The movie "Sessions " ? whats your take ?

by smiddy 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • smiddy

    I hope ive got the title right I`m going from memory. helen Hunt is a sex therapist with a severely handicapped guy fullfilling a basic need .

    watching it , I thought it was an extremely important movie ,touching on a subject that most of us , certainly me , would not have contemplated .

    And yet this is a function of life that the majority of people dont give a second thought to in their everyday lives. Yet we all participate in it .

    Yet think ,.......if you were deprived of sex ,period , because of a physical handicap, honestly ,how would you cope ? and remember I`m talking about a person who could only move his head , with no control over the rest of his body.

    Why should a person, through no fault of their own be deprived of what the majority of persons enjoy as a natural right.

    This movie really got me thinking , how about you ?

    I look forward to your comments on what I think is a very important subject


  • Pickler

    Smiddy, there was a really interesting documentary on this recently here in Australia. I think it was on the ABC, or SBS. There is a Sydney woman who works as a prostitute specialising in working with men with disabilities. Also in the documentary it showed her completing a Masters at Sydney University on this topic, and also travelling to Europe to present at conferences as an advocate for sexual rights for persons with disabilities.

    She works out of an agency here in Sydney, where it is legal. Apparently every state is different, and she could not work in Queensland.

    Its really interesting, and parts of it are very confronting. If I remember the name of the show I will post it.

    I do believe that these men ( and there was a woman featured as well) do have a right to a sex life. The working woman featured was lovely. She must be quite expensive, because her clients save for months, but then, why not?

    One man had a wish, he had never had a woman stay overnight, like a real girlfriend. The sex worker had to learn safety procedures & how to use some medical equipment. His parents went to stay at a motel for the night & he got his wish.

    It was lovely, and so sad at the same time.

  • DesirousOfChange

    NOT the basis for a movie, IMHO.

    We downloaded it and watched it. (At least my wife watched it in its entirety).

    I love Helen Hunt, but this was NOT her best.

    We know several para/quada-plegics (sic) and I guess sexual expression is an issue for them, but I don't see it as a blockbuster movie issue.


  • maisha

    Maybe the WT can do a video on this subject... awesome

  • Gopher

    This might not be everyone's taste in movies, however it was highly critically acclaimed, garnering a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.

    I didn't get to see it yet because there were so many good movies out at the end of last year that I had to see first. But I will rent it on Netflix.

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