AWWW the Joy of the Resurrection!

by hamsterbait 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hamsterbait

    Imagine the heartwarming scene.

    A mother who died of cancer in the wicked old System is resurrected.

    Oh Joy, Oh Rapture!!

    "Where is my husband? "

    "He didn't want the Truth, so he died in the Great Armageddon Storm."

    "Where are my little ones? They must be grown up by now - do I have grandchildren?"

    "Your children saw the contradictions in WT teaching so they died in the Great Armageddon Storm."

    "Where -------"

    "LOOK HERE NOW: Jehovah has killed every living relative you knew. So get over it, shut up and enjoy life in the Happy paradise. If you complain any more God will KILL you."


  • sd-7

    Right. I was wondering, since sin is supposed to be removed gradually over a thousand years, shouldn't that mean that people with deformities wouldn't heal completely at first? Or that people would still get sick?

    I assumed that either 'great crowd' survivors would have some serious, SERIOUS Post Traumatic Stress Disorders or that Jehovah would go all 'Men In Black' on them all. But if he was going to do that, why not just wipe Satan's memory and the memories of everybody who ever saw the big 'universal challenge'?

    Who says he hasn't? Maybe this is our fifth iteration of a 'Matrix Revolutions'-style system of things...


  • Mum

    Is the wreckage of all of the cities and towns, and dead humans (and other species?) cleared at the time of this resurrection? Or does this poor woman have to clean up that mess as well.

    She'd probably rather go back to sleep.

    In Greek mythology, the people going into the afterlife, floating down the river Styx, which apparently flowed into the river Lethe, had to drink the waters of Lethe, which made them forget everything. Forgetting was a part of being eternally blissful, of course.

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