Oy vey! Such tall tales these children tell! You could get jailed with a scharvtze !
Imagine such a thing!
by metatron 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Oy vey! Such tall tales these children tell! You could get jailed with a scharvtze !
Imagine such a thing!
While I don't agree with him, one point he makes is something that's always bugged me. That being the possibility of someone lying about being raped or abused. I don't know how often something like that happens, and I imagine it's only a percentage of a percentage compared to legitimate accusations. Still that's some scary stuff if some vindictive person has their kid put a chester or rapo jacket on you dishonestly.
A fair point.
But how about forensics? Sorry to be gross about it but just how did your semen get there, Rabbi/Father/Monsignour/Brother?
Semen is the "second witness"
Forensics would be a lifesaver. There was a rabbi on the Catch a Predator series. Chris Hanson was like, "Sit down." lol. I think that rabbi got like 6 years or so.The chutzpah of that guy.
I don't know about others, but when I was a child, I was innocent. I could not have made up a description of sexual molestation because I had no idea what it was. If someone had explained the "facts of life" to me, I don't think I would have believed them.
I'm not denying that children lie and don't understand consequences, but how could they lie about what they don't know exists?
A top rabbinic dean of Yeshiva University has warned rabbis about the dangers of reporting child sex abuse allegations to the police because it could result in a Jew being jailed with a black inmate, or as he put it, “a schvartze,” who might want to kill him.
Rabbi Schachter is talking like a racist son-of-a-bitch. It is well-known that many prison inmates (regardless of whether they are black) hate and disrespect child molestors who they view as the lowest of the low. The nationality/religion of the molestor does not matter either. They generally won't disrespect/hate a molestor any more or less because of his Jewishness.