Lying for the theocratic warfare

by Gorbatchov 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Because of growing up in the JW religion we heared and read many experiences and encouragement for lying when nesscesary / needed for the theocratic warfare.

    Personaly I think this is totaly wrong and has had some effects on me: I feel that I can lie easily at work and sometimes in our family affairs.

    A kind of creatively using truth and untruth.

    I don't do it often but I recognize this fact.

    So, this JW religion standards are measurability wrong.


  • Gopher

    Watchtower leaders are like Pharisees, very interested in technicalities, laws and position and a lot less about caring for people.

    Can that rub off on those of us raised under their influence? Certainly it can. Often when we leave the JW's behind, that Pharisee stuff wears off and our normal, human, caring side comes to the front.


    My koolaid drinking bro used to say " Lying for the Truth".

    What garbage that teaching is

  • Iamallcool

    Do you think it helps some people steal things?

  • LouBelle

    I met with 2 friends of mine that had started studying with the JW's - they didn't realise I used to be one. We had such a good chat and I said that one of the things JW's use is what they term - theocratic warfare - they were dumbfounded and I know that along with a few other things really got them thinking. It is my hope that they will soon stop the study.

  • Phizzy

    I do not think it is morally wrong to sometimes lie. Just an example, the French farmer in WW2 who is hiding some downed airmen, American or English, in his barn and the Gestapo come and ask him has he seen any airmen, for him to lie cannot be morally wrong.

    What has to be weighed when lying is the good that comes from lying as opposed to the harm that may come from telling the truth.

    But the "good" must apply to all concerned, otherwise we may lie purely for our own benefit.

    We must be scrupulously honest with ourselves when we are weighing up whether to lie, or withold the truth etc.

    The WT lies for its own benefit, and to the harm of those it lies to, or witholds truth from, people, like new "studies", who deserve to have the truth told to them, that kind of lying is indefensible.

  • humbled

    When we were taught from the scriptures that "God cannot lie" and then the WTS tells us to lie in God's behalf--well, how does that work well for the Truth?

    ps I would lie to save those airmen, Phizzy


    Who was that dude? ,.... The father of lies?...

    Oh, right, Satan

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