Psychologist Steven Hassan writes that ""Destructive mind control can be understood in terms of four basic components, which form the acronym BITE:
I.Behavior ControlII.Information ControlIII.Thought ControlIV.Emotional Control
In reference to Behavior Control, he states among other things that people under the influence of Mind-Control " Need to ask permission for major decisions."
So the question naturally arises, "Do JW's need to ask permission for major decisions?"
The answer is of course a resonding, "No!"
But why not? R&F JWs may not need to directly ask the elders or anyone else for permission to make major decisions, but consider the reality of being a JW: All your major decisions are made for you!
The WT Study articles for the last two weeks deal with seven areas that might DISTANCE YOU FROM JEHOVAH if you make the wrong choice. The seven areas are:
- Employment and Career - where, when and why you might want to take a certain job
- Recreation and Entertainment - the types and time spent
- Family Relationships - don't communicate with loved ones that have "left Jehovah," not even by email!
- Technology - don't sell your body parts just to buy fadish gadgets*
- Health - no facelifts, tummy tucks or boob-jobs
- Money - I know, you thought this was covered last week under Employment and Career, but that wasn't quite enough. No investing in the stock market. We know the WTBTS invests in hedgefunds, but they know what they're doing. You clearly do not.
- Pride - the right kind is good, the wrong kind will get you killed at Armageddon.
- What is the right kind? Being proud to be a JW!
- What is the wrong kind? Being proud of yourself!
(January 15th, 2013 Watchtower, pp. 12 - 21)
The first of the two study articles concludes by encouraging us to MAKE WISE CHOICES and asks us this thought provoking question:
What is your resolve when it comes to your use of free will?
While the explicit answer is NOT in the paragraphs of the article, it is implicit that the correct answer is:
I will use my free will to do whatever the WT tells me to do!
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* - No I'm not making this up!
"One young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it. What a shortsighted sacrifice!" - w2013 1/15, p. 17, para. 3