Maybe we SHOULD start watching what is going on in Israel....

by Newly Enlightened 8 Replies latest social current

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Just heard this on World News on NBC ,[U.S.A]

    Here's the link, it's interesting for those of us watching world events.

  • designs

    Talk about a Gordian knot, the Jewish conservative political parties and ultra Orthodox want these walls and land confiscations to continue.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    What is interesting is that Obama is over there right now, showing support for Israel.

  • designs

    The Progressives and Moderates in the Islamic world need to step up to the plate.

  • cptkirk

    hate to say it, but, something is about to happen. if you know the key indicators, then you also know something is about to happen. i really hope this is not the case, and, i'm not even going to outline the key indicators.....but ,more than likely as soon as the summer ends, you're going to see some kind of major strike....possibly with new technology weapons such as,what rumors say, were used at the baghdad airport (they aren't all that new but they haven't been used before)other than in a small way supposedly at the bd ap(neutron weapons/emp bombs), so new in that sense. i don't want to speak specifically because the kind of carnage brought on by these types of events isn't to be spoken of casually. unfortunately, these are the cycles of the days in which we live. until we can start implementing some of the amazing new technology that is being developed(new superconductors, magnetic levitation, and so on) for the sake of energy usage that is sustainable for the current population...

    i'll mention one indicator for example, but there are many, there was a report that high level officials believe that chemical weapons were used recently in the conflict going on in syria right now. they even went so far as to say that, even though they couldn't confirm it, they would believe it nonetheless ....this is one of many indicators that say, we(the military) are going to take action now, because we said we would if a circumstance such as this arose. israeli officials are saying that they did(use the chemical weapons)...obama arrives and it just so happens that the leader of israel is happy to see obama for once....there are many many indicators...these are just a mere 2. i truly hope, that they can implement some procedures to stifle the war, and avoid any possible escalations over there. death from above is bad enough for those wearing the uniforms, but for the innocents caught in the crossfire, this is truly truly an unspeakable tragedy.

    we should be thankful that we have a relative peace in our areas for the most part, and more importantly, we have the opportunity for progress. we backslide at times, but no matter how bad things can get in terms of social issues, we have to remember that, for the most part, we always have the opportunity to become more than just we do it by rising above the issues. we get hit by a truck, and instead of looking for vengeance, we get up, wipe the dust off, and seize this opportunity to teach by example ,not by word. ...the most powerful examples are usually just that, watching someone else, and learning from their example. there is a spirit out there that we all know is greater than flesh and bone, and it is accessible to us. this is why one man or woman is not greater than any other man or woman, because we all have access to the spirit which makes us greater than flesh and bone and dirt, it's available to everyone, but it requires discipline and work sometimes to connect with it. this spirit is not vanity, or brute strength, or money --it is simply that, a spirit, a spirit of love--this is the spirit which empowers a man to lift a helicopter off of his friend, it is the spirit of honor and love. and if you have ever wielded this spirit, then you know, that you have never possessed anything nor fantasized about the possession of anything else, that can rival the power of this spirit, it is the spirit which gives us access to the eternal. this spirit grants a blessing, and i believe our country was greatly blessed at one time, because we had so many citizens who knew this spirit, and fought in concert with this spirit.

    i found a video of the guy lifting the helicopter off his buddy....and i cannot judge the anchors heart, but it certainly doesn't sound like she knows anything about this spirit, as she describes the man as channeling a sumo wrestler or something of the sort that she says. what he was channeling was the spirit, the spirit that puts this man his friend above his own life, and it informs him, it informs him that to say to himself - i will tear every muscle in my back and break every single vertebrae from top to bottom if necessary, but i am pulling my buddy out of this situation, period.

    the anger that this organization created or channeled into me made me lose sight of this spirit a bit. they lied to me. if you try and argue with them they will just double talk you to death, but it simply comes down to this: the bible says that god cannot be charged with evil, yet the elders have committed evil in many people's lives (while having the backing of the members of the cong in some cases and the gb for that matter), because they are supposedly selected directly by god, and are carrying out his works. yet, they admit to being imperfect, and this imperfection causes them to carry out evil at times.....but god cannot be charged with evil. this big loophole is causing the drowning and massacring of so many good people(at the hands of lets say highly disturbed elders). people who have already lowered themselves to this org, and have sacrificed so much, and then are further decimated by evils carried out by the religion itself....without any apology, because they cannot be wrong, in their minds. yet, god cannot be charged with evil, and the elders have carried out evil (whether it was a mistake or not doesn't matter much to the victims) and the funny thing is, they will go ask god for forgiveness while ignoring the victims.....blame the victim is the name of the game.

    i ask you, if you know this spirit that i speak of, please work to be in unison with it, for your sake, and for the sake of others as well. this spirit is all the strength and security that you need.

  • sizemik

    Don't get too comfortable in your peaceful neighbourhood.

    How long do you think the USA can keep this up before the attacks on US soil begin?

    Accountability comes in many forms.

  • cptkirk

    sorry size, i love ya, but no idea what to say that to that comment. the only thing that can destroy america is america. so if you're talking about civil attacks, that could happen...but international warfare on us soil? that is pretty much going to be the end of humanity least if it were to occur at this juncture.

  • jemba

    The one bad feeling that leaving the cult didnt take away was the awful premonition that mankind has already hit the self destruct button, with the environment, greed, violence, wars etc.

    I often feel like something bad (not armaggedon) is around the corner. I guess 911 didnt help calm that fear in the back of my mind.

    Having said that though I am in a way better place then I ever have been mentally in my life.

  • designs

    The Kurds are settling for peace with Turkey, after decades of war and losing 40,000 of their own they have come to the conclusion that they must settle their dispute at the negotiating table, maybe Israel and the Palestinians will see the light someday and stop killing each other's children.

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