From this weeks Watchtower study:
On a number of occasions, the Bible mentions that Jehovah “felt regret.” (Jonah 3:10; Gen. 6:6, 7; Judg. 2:18; 1 Sam. 15:11)
Since God’s activity is perfect, his regret is never because of a mistake on his part. (Num. 23:19; Deut. 32:4)
Rather, in Hebrew, to feel regret can mean to change one’s mind or intention. For example, because Jehovah is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful, he is willing to alter his intended actions toward erring ones in response to their repentance and the changes that they make.—Jer. 18:7-10.
So again we have the Watchtower just redefining words to suit their needs. How can 'feeling regret' not mean 'feeling regret'? Because we said so.
Their explaination is just so darn short and vapid. It's like they're not even trying anymore.
In 1 Sam. 15:11 it says: "I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions."
How is that different from the regret of any other person? He made an important decision: Choosing the first King of Israel. He made a lousy choice, and regretted it later.
You can't chaulk it up to 'altering his intended actions' if it's an action he has ALREADY taken.
I also find it funny that the 'proof text' they cite to prove that God can't feel regret, is actually quoting a FALSE prophet, Balaam. The rest of that SAME verse implies that when God says he's going to do something he doesn't change his mind.
And actually the King James Version pretty clearly shows that the Watchtower explaination is complete garbage, because it says: " God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"
One of these scriptures has to be wrong. Either it's the one that says god doesn't change his mind, or it's the ones that say he does.
ALSO, they claim that, since his actions are perfect, his regret is never because of a mistake on his part. Grow up god! Take some responsibility for your actions!
How can you know EVERYTHING, be all powerful, be able to foresee the future, but not be able to be held responsible for your own decisions?
And yet us humans, who don't know everything and cannot see the future, have to take responsibility for any poor decisions we make?
End of rant.