by BroMac 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BroMac

    I don't know if this has been on here before but I came across it from a google news search for "Jehovahs Witnesses". Would someone be so kind as to make this link clickable!




    "The elders asked me to meet them at the Starbucks on Nanjing Road in central Shanghai. The sun was bright that day; the usual haze had lifted for a change. When I arrived, I was greeted by Brother Steven and Brother Richard. They’d already bought me an iced coffee. The ice on top had melted. I stirred the drink with the straw.

    Brother Steven started.

    “Amber, we wanted to meet with you today because we heard about some things that were said.” He cleared his throat. Brother Richard’s eyes stared just past me. “We wanted to meet with you to encourage you, and give you the help you need. Please don’t feel nervous.”

    The sun was bright in my face, sort of like an interrogation lamp.

    “Do you know the conversations we are referring to?”

    He was referring to conversations I’d had with my former Bible student, a young Chinese teacher named Jean. I’ve never been able to lie very well. I told them the truth. That yes, Jean was confused. But that I’d felt it was the right thing to do, to explain certain things to her.

    “Yes, of course,” said Brother Steven. “Now please tell us exactly what was said.”

    Sipping our coffee drinks, we looked like the other expats one sees around Shanghai. But we weren’t. We were Jehovah’s Witnesses. We had, each of us, arrived with bags full of Watchtower publications wrapped in gift paper or hidden inside socks, to be used for converting Chinese people to our faith. We knew lots of stories of Witnesses who had been followed, watched, bugged, deported by Chinese officials. All three of us were criminals in the eyes of the Chinese government. But only one of us was a criminal in the eyes of the church elders, and this meeting in the Starbucks would result in a different kind of deportation. It would result in the swift kick out of the life I had lived for thirty years, and into an intimidating, complicated world I had known only from the periphery."

  • cedars

    Wow, what an incredibly gripping story! A pleasure to read from start to finish. Thanks Bromac for bringing this to our attention.



  • Comatose

    I read this a little while back. It moved me so much as I was just on my wake up journey and trying to help my wife. I read it to her one day laying in bed. Moved her too. So well put.

    I emailed Amber the writer to thank her, she responded same day and was so nice. Genuinely a good person. Offered me much encouragement and a listening ear anytime I might need it. Truly a good person.

  • BroMac

    Hey Comatose, thanks for sharing that piece of info. It is only a short story but it says so much.

  • BroMac

    Cedars your welcome, just once in a while I find something worth sharing. I don't know if Amber visits the forums, so I'd like to say thanks to her, and wish her well in her new life!

  • Cadellin

    I read that and thought it was amazing.

  • Mum

    That was a great story!

    It reminds me of a time in the past when I accompanied a Vietnamese friend to a low-income apartment building where a lot of Vietnamese refugees lived. Most of them didn't speak English, so I observed them as they told my friend their stories. Apparently because I did not understand what they were saying, but could only observe their facial expressions, voice intonations and hand gestures, I got a pretty good idea of the character and truthfulness of the individuals (or at least I felt that I was seeing right through them.)

    It is incredible how Amber, by living as more of a "worldly" person, even in a very different culture, learned that life could be better outside the borg.

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