Interesting Youtube video: "Jehovah's Witnesses and hedge funds revisited"

by Londo111 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Londo111

    According to this, the UK branch made a cool million pounds from investments…which implies they’ve much more invested. I know very little about financial stuff. I figured I’d run it by the folks here who’ve more experienced in these things.

  • EdenOne


  • respectful_observer

    This video's been posted before.

    Others may disagree with me, but this guy makes hedge funds and hedge fund investors sound much more nefarious than they are. Almost any organization that has enough liquid assets to qualify as an "institutional investor" is invested in hedge funds-- including the pension funds for all 50 states, almost every single college and university, almost every single large non-profit, almost every single union (teachers, UAW, etc.).

    If this guy knew anything about hedge funds and their investors, he would know he looks and sounds like an idiot.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society = snare and racket. Judge Rutherford identified it applying it to religion other than the JWs' what he conveniently omitted to mention was the fact that The Watchtower is tarred with the same brush. However they are much better now at the snare and racket rip off scam having had years and years of perfecting the free labour money making scheme .

    What have the New World labourers ,AKA door knockers gained from all this, absolute zilch.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The point the guy is making is the fact that The Watchtower speaks from both corners of the mouth by telling the rank and file to expect the big A any time soon and not to bother about the future because the worldly system is doomed to destruction while at the same time they are investing in the future.

    Why do they not print articles advising witnesses on how to invest money and build up a pension pot by planning for old age the Governing Body are nicely taken care of thank you very much they are in the win win situation .

  • Balaamsass

    Excellent video. Well researched. These huge numbers are for just the Brits! Wow.

    I find the focus on Africa very interesting. Lots of potential for strategic mineral investing and insider knowledge from poor JWs in the mines.

    Since the Governing Body have a "direct line to Jehovah, are "discrete", and are "spirit directed" I am surprised with the poor performance of the portfolio and selection of Merrill as the advisor.....hmmm Jehovah should of told them Merrill would be going under, and the Markets would melt in 2008.

    They should have made a killing going long on Gold and Bonds, buying puts, and shorting the markets...... not to mention dumping Real Estate BEFORE the crash. Guess Holy Spirit stock tips don't work in NYC or London.

  • Splash

    Was it last weeks WT study or the week before which had the example of someone who invested in the markets and lost his home?

    The point was not lost on my congregation: investments are for the greedy and weak. They are from satan so do not be tempted to gamble.


  • jamiebowers


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