DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend was raised in a family that didn't celebrate holidays, including birthdays. They converted to that religion when he was 10, and while he no longer identifies with that religion, he still doesn't recognize any celebrations.
I was raised with all the traditions surrounding the holidays and the family time that comes with it. I feel they are very important. I have tried explaining this to him, but his attitude toward holidays borders on hatred. He recently told me he wants me to stop including him in activities or conversations related to holidays and birthdays, and I'm not sure what to do. He finds the same activities acceptable as long as they don't happen around a holiday and are not associated with one.
Would it be unfair to ask him to compromise and share certain traditions with me, in light of the fact that he has no family traditions to bring to the table? -- NO HAPPY BIRTHDAYS
DEAR NO HAPPY BIRTHDAYS: You could ask him to compromise, but it would be unrealistic to expect that someone with his ingrained attitude will do so. A fish and a bird may love each other, but it doesn't mean they can happily cohabit. If you want a happy relationship, find someone whose traditions more closely resemble your own.
Maybe Dear Abby has been reading here? LOL