Since the "New Light" on shunning everyone who doesn't go to the Kingdom Hall anymore, my father called me on the phone. He talked to me about three minuets reminding me that the memorial is on the 26th and he would like me to go. I haven't been to a memorial in over 13 years. WTF?
First time my dad has talked to me in over a year
by Joshinaz 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dismissing servant
It's so sad...I feel bad for you.
I talked to my mother this morning...she didn't even mention the memorial. OK! She wouldn't dare to do it. I think.
Maybe inviting DFd and DAd ones to the Memorial is their annual effort to get people back into "the truth" (or at least to get the attendance statistics up).
I know a lot of "apostates" who got personal invitations.
Its sucks. He made it so the memorial was the only thing he was going to talk about (must of been to scared to talk to me about regular crap because it might prevent him from going to the Kingdom Hall or something.) It was nice however to hear his voice again.
Thank you Dismissing Servent for the nice reply.
Your probably right Ding- I wonder if he did it just to count some service time.