Am I now an apostate ?

by smiddy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    My wife and I never received an invitation to the memorial ,last year we did ,but not this year.I am the only one where we live in this small town who has challenged the witnesses on the couple of times they have called on our home these past 5 years . My wife has never been confronted with them.My son and his wife both ex JW`s have not had what used to be called shepherding calls in the 5 years they have been here.None of them have ever been disfellowshipped or disassociated themselves from the organization ,whereas I did a couple of years ago.DA`d that is.A couple of months ago they by-passed our house in the d2d ministry that I witnessed.So my wife is not worthy of a call? She has never said a bad word about them .And they have never spoken to her in the 5 years we have been here . So much for their "urgency" in preaching and reaching out for "lost sheep" etc.

    They have a large congregation here in a town of no more than 6000 inhabitants yet we never ever see anybody out in feild service .

    Makes you wonder doesn`t it ?


  • Zordino

    Yes you Are! and you are also Mentally Diseased like the Rest of us.

  • rubadubdub

    Smiddy, I strongly believe, because this was my experience, that brothers and sisters within the congregation who have "unbelieving mates" (whatever category they may fall within, DF'd, DA'd, faded, marked, Apostate, etc.) fall on the second lowest rung and priority within the congregation. Single sisters with children stand on the lowest rung and must bear their own "load". Brothers who are single by divorce or have unbelieving mates, and still bring their children to meetings get cooed over and coddled.

    Sisters with unbelieving mates have to fight for their rights within the congregation. I will give you a prime expample. My former DIL was DF'd. She was hospitalized for treatment for stage 4 cancer. We believed she was dying. I felt so alone. My son, an active and in good standing dub was losing his beloved wife; her mother a flightly, '60s hippy dub was a semi-active and in fairly good standing dub. I was an uber-dub in fine standing. I called and asked for a shepherding call at the hospital. The elder said he would get back to me, but he didn't think it was possible, because my DIL was DF'd. I told him I wasn't asking for her, I was asking for my my son, her mother and myself.

    I received a return call with two elders on the line. I stood in the bathroom of the hospital room having this conference call. I fought them tooth and nail, pleading, "Where is the mercy?" I was told Jehovah was showing his mercy by disciplining my DIL. I said, I was talking about mercy toward those of us who where still Jehovah's sheep and were in a helpless situation. I explained that I didn't know how to comfort my son or his then MIL. I begged them and they finally conceded to come to visit us in the family room. Their suggestion was that I read comforting scriptures to my son's MIL in front of my son and my DF'd DIL. My hubby had faded decades earlier and was marked. I was the spiritual head of the household in this situation, according to them. They would not enter my DIL's hospital room. This infuriated her studying on again and off again, never-a-dub father. He later commented that he could see how furious I was that they would not come in the hospital room.

    If one has fallen, the rest are suspect. End of rant.

  • vajeni82

    Sounds typical. If a woman didn't have a man to offer in my old congregation, nobody paid attention to her.My mom's crowing glory was the fact that she finally got my dad to convert. Within 2 months of his baptism he was already assigned "priveledges".

    Single moms, those with unbelieving mates & those married to DA'd or DF'd men were very much ignored or even looked down on. The only exception to this was young unmarried pioneering women who could bring more men in (one way or another).

  • LisaRose

    Rubadubdub, I totally agree with what you said. My husband was disfellowshipped and I felt like when they did it to him, they did it to me as well. I had a few friends, but they never came to my house, it was just too uncomfortable. I think most people just feel have a hard time shunning others, so they just avoid the whole situation. No one ever invited me over for dinner, or any thing like that. Shepherding calls in 28 years, maybe 5 or 6.

    As a full time working mom, with a disfellowshipped husband, my status in the congregation was lower than whale poop in the Marianis trench.

  • bsmart

    " lower than whale poop in the Marianis trench."


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