Requirements for Attending Memorial

by cptkirk 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cptkirk

    luke 10:27 required to attend: love god with your whole soul, heart, mind--and you love your neighbor as yourself

    required to attend: you have listened to christ (forget verse) where he said you must lose yourself to find him--and in doing so this means that you would not be doing things like competing against other people in the church or looking for status ,or seeking good paying jobs)...etc

    required to attend: oh and the big one, you are not doing what you are doing (going to memorial/meetings etc) because you are just wanting to make sure you live forever--but instead you do these things purely because you just love god and your neighbor so much....

    what would global attendance look like?

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    You mean I don't have to go next year?! Awesome.

  • cptkirk

    actually that is funny because it gave me an idea on how they could shut the org down in a way that made it everyone elses fault. if they knew the doors had to be closed soon anyway, they could just make absolutely ridiculous requirements, and then when nobody could meet them, they could say oh well they all failed what can we say? they just all failed we had no choice but to close shop. for example ,they could say that n3w l1ght indicates sex is only to be had when attempting to make babies, that would end it all right there.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Yep it would! Or perhaps if they outlawed alcohol... Thats the only thing were allowed to do! Hell, I had a bit of a buzz on at the memorial tonight!

    *typed while sipping Aberlour A'bunadh....

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Requirements for attending the Memorial of Christ's death? Being a Christian who believes in Christ's ransom and all that he promised it would bring. 'Spectators' would not have been invited by early Christians to such a deeply personal and significant meal within their homes with their brothers and sisters. If you couldn't eat and drink at a meal, and didn't have any faith in the Messiah why would you go? To be a voyeur, a masochist?

  • designs

    Suit and tie for the guys, hosery for the ladies (no toe rings)

  • cptkirk

    the searcher: good points. out of one side of their mouth they are saying do everything we tell you and you might get everlasting life, and out of the other side they are saying just attend this memorial and somehow that will mean something. why would they want all of these people draped all over them attending the memorial who don't even care one way or the other, free wine and chips.

    that was the larger point though, nobody is doing everything that they are told, yet they still attend memorials/meetings as if they were.....


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