Actually had fun at the memorial!

by OneDayillBeFree 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OneDayillBeFree

    I bet that title raised some apostate eyebrows lol but let me explain...

    First of all this is the first memorial where I didn't place an invitation! Not a single one! It feels a little surreal but I actually can't remember the last time I went peddling some literature door to door.

    Anyway, I got to the memorial about 5 mins early, and sat at the back with the brother in charge of sound. He's what I call a floater who comes to the meetings and service every now and then, does the bare minimum to stay in but secretly does worldy things like celebrate Christmas and watching the smurfs! Lol he and I get along pretty good.

    Then another brother who is fading now, although not for apostate reasons, came and sat next to me. We all had a blast making fun of the speaker and busting jokes about the bread and the wine.

    We were daring each other to take a nibble at the bread or a sip of the wine but we all chickened out. But there is something I did that was almost as good (bad) as partaking!

    I asked them what they thought would happen if someone dropped one of the emblems and they both said that it would probably some how not fall and that it would be like magic (we were joking)! So as the wine was being passed to us it "accidentally" slipped out of my hand and spilled on the carpet!

    The elder who was passing it gave me the most petrified and serious look and them quickly picked it up before I could reach down and get it. Then an attendant came with paper towels to clean up the holy, bloody goodness that was almost perforating through the floor! The sucky part was that we were the last row so there was no one else behind us and we wanted to know what the elder would have done. And when the elder returned the cup back up the and the speaker saw that it came back empty his eyes widened and nearly popped out. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen in memorial history. We could barely keep from laughing!

    Then to top it off, I got a message on twitter from Gregorio Smith reminding me of his documentary Truth Be Told that's tomorrow so we chatted a lil bit during the last part of the memorial! I think it was as good as a memorial could have gone without partaking and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Of course the information that was said on the stage was pure BS but I'll start another topic on that tomorrow as I've got some questions to make.

    So did any of you who went experience any crazy things??

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Crazy things? Hmmmmm....... the parking lot when trying to pull into it after the preceding congregation wrapped up their memorial. All in all it was a good memorial. The guest speaker was above average, actually a very good speaker. The parts of the outline that focused on Christ were VERY touching. Not entirely sure what I believe in any more, but, one cannot deny the power of Jesus' life, death, example, teachings, illustrations, etc.. Couldn't tell you the last time I felt an internal drive to bring my life more in harmony with Jesus.

    I was glad not too many ones showed up whom I've known from my younger years that have went inactive. I envy them to some degree. I hate the awkwardness when they show up to appease family, and their relatives still in the truth parade them around like an old car that needs fixed up. Thankfully not too much of that went on tonight.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman I would have loved to have seen the Elder's face when the goblet came back empty!

    Just Lois

  • WTWizard

    I wonder what would happen if the spoiled grape juice would have been spilled by "accident" right on someone's LIE-ble. The mess would of course go into the chair and on the floor, placing a nice stain on the carpet. And someone's LIE-ble would be ruined, along with their suit or dress needing a dry cleaning. So much for the magic of not having the glass spilling.

  • Apognophos

    Way to go, staining that carpet!

    Congratulations... you're a douchebag!

  • mrsjones5

    I'm sure there were a few carpet cleaners on hand.

  • DeWandelaar

    That is why so many people are cleaners within the society... they need to clean carpets in KH all around the world every year...

  • cobaltcupcake



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