is this just basically another way to say, we dislike the fact that we aren't able to control you as easily as we would like to? or is there actually some precept which reflects this notion somewhere? obviously from their pov if you say that you believe in the trinity, that is independent from their pov, but they would never even get to that because you would already be df'ed for apostasy. so then, what are the criterion for independent thinking as far as they are concerned?
what exactly is an independent mind, from WT pov?
by cptkirk 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thinking for yourself instead of letting the borg think for you, they do love zombies.
Any thought not pre-approved by the WT is "independent thinking" to them.
It is bad, according to them, because it shows that you have some sparking brain cells, anyone with a couple of funtioning ones will soon learn TTATT and leave, they have enough of a cash flow problem already without more leaving.
Watch for more rigid control, and more condemnation of "independent thinking" in the near future.
label licker
Anyone who reads the bible on their own and builds a personal relationship with themselves and their creator based on their own conscience and bible principles. Along with no doctrine, publications, fear or guilt coming in between you and the bible.
Look at all the examples in the bible that Yehovah chose in stead of the groups that were suppose to represent his organisation here on earth. Examples like Jesus, David, Daniel, Paul, the two spies instead of the ten, Moses instead of the nation of Isreal, Noah, Abraham, Solomon, Job ect It always boiled down to one guy and why? Obviously, they had a personal relatioship with their creator that pleased him in such a way.
You can have an organisation but that's not what Yehovah wants. He wants obedience, not sacrifice. Your freewill and not someone saying you better do it our way or you'll die.
Having a brain and using it vs. blind obedience to people who don't give a *&^%#@$ about you.
It's saying "No thank you" when you are offered a glass of Kool-Aid.
Rub a Dub
A very dangerous thing.
Its when a person choose's to Live a normal life and realize's that nobody has all the answer's and just tries to be a good person without all of the fear/guilt mind control Tactics.
what exactly is an independent mind, from WT pov?
Someone who doesn't swallow their commercialized corrupt bullshit
Bloody educated critical thinkers.
wt-speak for a rebellious person who is going down in flames one day