Mark Sanderson gets official intro in July 15th Watchtower

by cedars 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    In all the hysteria surrounding the "new light" in the forthcoming July 15th Watchtower, I forgot to mention that the magazine carries information on the "New Governing Body Member" - who I think we can all safely assume is Mark Sanderson.

    Sadly I didn't get scans of the pages in question - just the juicy doctrinal stuff. Still, I thought it was worth a mention!


  • pixel

    Whatever. Not to you, Cedars, but to the "new" GB member.

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    New light you say? whats this?

  • cedars
  • Blind_Of_Lies

    Thanks for that link and the great info…

    So from my corporate background this looks like nothing more than a corporate restructuring with a slight policy change. I don’t see any new light here just pure BS designed to invigorate the base into a nice froth.

    I also interpret this as some sort attempt to save face regarding the 1918 date and the fact that those events have now been rescheduled to an undetermined future date in the near VERY near future.

    In the words of the late great George Carlin

    It's all BS folks and it's BAD for ya!

  • Phizzy

    Coming close in time as this does to the election of Pope Frankie, who at least is old enough to wipe his own bum, surely many JW's must ask themselves in secret how M.S was chosen.

    Jeez, they could have at least gone for a token somewhat hispanic guy, with the "permitted" silly little 'tash, not another WASP.


    I knew him as a kid. VERY nice kid, very kind parents. I hope he can make a difference on the GB. Maybe bring KINDNESS and TRUE LOVE to the madness.

  • sir82

    I hope he can make a difference on the GB.

    Based on his video appearance at last year's get-out-the-new-gray-bible meeting, he merely seems to have all the charisma of asphalt. My impression is that he's never had an original thought in his life, and is likely literally incapable of reasoning on any subject outside of WT-defined "spirituality".

  • Apognophos

    Anything's possible, given enough time, but first he'll need to accrue a little seniority....

  • Quendi

    Welcome, JOHNROSS93! I'm afraid that your hope for a softening of the Governing Body thanks to Mark Sanderson's appointment will go unfulfilled. As the prophet Jeremiah once challenged his people, "Can a black man change his skin, or a leopard its spots?" No way the ruling coterie of the WTS is going to reform anymore than the biblical examples could change their appearances.


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