Obnoxious book study!

by stillin 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    I often prepare quickly for the study in the Jeremiah book. There's no real substance, nothing challenging, so it doesn't take long.

    The annoying thing is the direction as to what material is to be covered. They won't say what page number, oh no, it's which chapter, then the paragraphs to be considered. You have to find the first page of the chapter, THEN find the paragraph. Like it's chapter and verse or something!

  • sd-7
    Like it's chapter and verse or something!

    Well, the daily text is already using that sort of notation, last I checked. Might as well be doing that, I mean, right??


  • stillin

    I guess I shouldn't let it bother me. If I had gobbled it down immediately after its' release, It would have been studied and marked up all the way through. At least I can look at the unmarked pages to see whether I had ever laid eyes on it before.

  • blondie

    I think the Greates Man book had no paragraph numbers, pages, and no paragraph/question setup. I do believe this is the first study book pretending to cover Jeremiah.

    Unless you count this series of WTs:

    *** dx30-85 Jeremiah (Book) ***

    discussion: w76 205-207; ad 902-905; ep 209-214

    chapter 1: w77 748-764

    chapter 7: w79 8/1 9-16

    chapter 8: w79 8/1 17-21

    chapters 9-10, 13-18: w79 8/15 17-28

    chapters 19-21: w79 9/1 16-23, 31

    chapter 23: w85 7/1 24-25; w79 9/1 24-31

    chapter 24: w79 9/15 18-20

    chapter 25: w79 9/15 21-29

    chapter 26: w79 11/1 17-19

    chapter 27: w79 11/1 16-17, 20-22

    chapter 28: w79 11/1 23-26

    chapter 29: w79 11/1 26-29

    chapter 30: w79 11/15 16-18

    chapter 31: w79 11/15 16-27

    chapter 33: w79 12/1 16-21

    chapter 34: w79 12/1 22-24

    chapter 35: w79 12/1 24-28

    chapter 36: w80 2/1 17-22

    chapter 37: w80 2/1 22-23

    chapter 38: w80 2/1 23-26

    chapter 39: w80 2/1 25-28

    chapter 50: w80 5/15 16-22

    chapter 51: w80 5/15 16-27

  • Zordino

    Studying for the book study and watchtower is one of the Biggest waste of Times I could imagine! Why bother?

  • villagegirl

    Once you have clearly established that WT doctrines are false doctrines.

    Why search through volumes of publications looking for "deep truth" when

    no truth at all exists in any Watchtower book or magazine , past or present.

    False Doctines: false false false false

    (1) 1444,000 is literal number (NO it isn't )The number only appears in

    Revelation where ALL numbers are symbolic. It symbolizes extension of Grace.

    (2) There are two classes: earthly class and heavenly class;

    No there aren't . Based on John 10:16 which clearly states the

    "other sheep" will be gathered into the same flock and they will all

    be ONE flock. Other sheep being Gentiles added to the flock of Israel.

    Jesus UNITED believers into one Body of Christ.

    (3) The faithful and discreet slave is a "class" NO it isn't.

    (4) The sole channel of communication between God and

    mankind is the governing body. NO, NO, NO, it is NOT,

    Jesus Christ is our direct and ONLY Mediator )

    All other doctrines, no-hell fire, no-trinity, thousand year reign of Christ,

    Paradise Earth, Bible chronology, End Times prophecies were

    ALL copied from Adventists, Millerites, Congregationalists, "New Lighters"

    the Golden Age magazine. Nothing to see here folks No "amazing light"

    is contained in new or old WT publications, its Malarkey, from the top to the bottom.

  • shopaholic

    Never seen the book.

  • Bobcat


    If, when preparing, you come across any research or points that you feel are noteworthy, post them here. I was trying to keep a little ad-hoc commentary for future reference as well as for lurkers who might want to check beyond what just the publication says.

    Take Care

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