Once you have clearly established that WT doctrines are false doctrines.
Why search through volumes of publications looking for "deep truth" when
no truth at all exists in any Watchtower book or magazine , past or present.
False Doctines: false false false false
(1) 1444,000 is literal number (NO it isn't )The number only appears in
Revelation where ALL numbers are symbolic. It symbolizes extension of Grace.
(2) There are two classes: earthly class and heavenly class;
No there aren't . Based on John 10:16 which clearly states the
"other sheep" will be gathered into the same flock and they will all
be ONE flock. Other sheep being Gentiles added to the flock of Israel.
Jesus UNITED believers into one Body of Christ.
(3) The faithful and discreet slave is a "class" NO it isn't.
(4) The sole channel of communication between God and
mankind is the governing body. NO, NO, NO, it is NOT,
Jesus Christ is our direct and ONLY Mediator )
All other doctrines, no-hell fire, no-trinity, thousand year reign of Christ,
Paradise Earth, Bible chronology, End Times prophecies were
ALL copied from Adventists, Millerites, Congregationalists, "New Lighters"
the Golden Age magazine. Nothing to see here folks No "amazing light"
is contained in new or old WT publications, its Malarkey, from the top to the bottom.