I have found God/Jesus
by gravedancer 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Is that the "before" or the "after" pic??
Love, Scully
this is actually a Sasquatch....
of course you have just as much evidence that he exists as you do that God exists....
Perhaps some people will pray to him now?
There was an article in the papers years ago about an African tribe that was feuding with another tribe and being unable to settle their differences, they wrote to Prince Phillip of England to intervene on their behalf. Well, Prince Phillip did as they asked and the dispute was settled. The African tribe then asked Prince Phillip to send them an autographed picture as a keepsake and he complied. The tribe then posted the picture up of Prince Phillip and he became their God. They prayed to him every day. I'm not kidding. This is a true story! Just goes to show you, people will pray to almost anything.
dude....elder's wives just get uglier and uglier...
District Overbeer
Wasn't he a backup guitar play for a band?? He looks familiar.