Genesis 11 : 6 Thoughts?

by sieborg 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • sieborg

    Genesis 11 : 6 The LORD said, Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. and this is what they begin to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.

    According to watchtower doctrine, after Adam Eve f**ked it up for us in the garden of eden, god left mankind to their own devices in order to prove that they could not rule themselves.

    If this is correct, then his interference at the tower of bable was in direct conflict of what he was supposed to be trying to prove. His own inteference in my opinion also invalidates his argument that mankind needs god to direct them. By sepping in and confusing the languages he put mankind at an unfair advantage in them proving him wrong. In that that inspired scripture moses under gods spirit openly admits that nothing that they purpose to do would be impossible to do.

    any other thoughts ?

  • mP


    Most stories in the Bible are attempts by simple men to explain their world. If it rained its because god wanted it to, if it didnt lets blame the the pagans and so on. Even today we see legacy of this when people blame floods etc as Acts of God.

  • prologos

    It was a BLUNDER because:

    learning, studying different languages boosts mental powers, so:

    confusing the languages at the BwABEtL tower helped the evolution of better minds to eventually

    build the tallest skyscraper in the neighbourhood, even build the tools go the moon, mars even to leave the solar system .

    primitive story exposed. for what it is: an ill conceived story.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, in a way the Watchtower are almost right in this instance. The Tower of Babel story comes from the Yahwist tradition, and the moral of the story is that man cannot take God's place, as shown in other parts of Genesis. But it's not an issue of universal soverneignty, just an adaptation of a Babylonian myth that suited the purpose at the time.

  • tec

    Just one of those things that shows that there has never been a 'universal soverignity' issue.



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