R U Sick of Rude People Yet?

by Mindchild 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Presented without comment or prejudice...


    Survey Finds Rudeness Is Getting Worse and People Are Getting Sick of It

    N E W Y O R K, April 3 — People say you're rude.

    You walk around bleating into that cell phone as if you're the only person for blocks. You curse like Madonna on Letterman, your kids think the world is their personal playground, and you drive like a maniac.

    That's what respondents to a national survey had to say about America's manners.

    A full 79 percent of the 2,013 adults surveyed by telephone in January by the research group Public Agenda said a lack of respect and courtesy in American society is a serious problem. Sixty-one percent believe things have gotten worse in recent years.

    "You really do see the majority of Americans pretty anxious about these issues," said Jean Johnson, director of programs at Public Agenda, a New York-based nonprofit organization. "People do think this is an area of the society that they would like to see some improvement on."

    Poor customer service has become so rampant that nearly half of those surveyed said they have walked out of a store in the past year because of it. Half said they often see people talking on cellular telephones in a loud or annoying manner. And six drivers in 10 said they regularly see other people driving aggressively or recklessly.

    Many people admitted to rude behavior themselves. More than a third said they use foul language in public. About the same percentage confessed to occasional bad driving.

    However, at least half of those surveyed said they think things have gotten better when it comes to the treatment of blacks, the physically handicapped and gays.

    The results were remarkably consistent geographically, with little difference in rudeness awareness between the heartland and the coasts. Opinion on only one issue the use of foul language split significantly among regions of the country. While three out of four Southerners said it is always wrong to take God's name in vain, half of those surveyed from the Northeast said that there is nothing wrong with it or that it falls somewhere between right and wrong.

    The survey had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

    The researchers followed up their telephone survey with focus groups held in Cleveland; Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; St. Louis; Frisco, Texas; Danbury, Conn.; Fort Lee, N.J.; and Berkeley, Calif.

    In those discussions, some people blamed overcrowding in malls, stadiums and other public places. Others said Americans' increasingly busy lives are making them ruder. And one woman in Texas blamed The King.

    "It was shocking when Elvis was shaking his hips up there, but now we see whole naked bodies," she said. "It started with Elvis, and that was a little overboard, but that was the beginning of what we have today."

    Harvard University professor Robert D. Putnam said the rudeness epidemic is a symptom of growing social isolation. In his 1999 book "Bowling Alone," Putnam argued that television, automobiles, suburbanization and other forces have led to the decline of community organizations that once held Americans together.

    "That's causally linked to all sorts of other bad things, like schools not working as well," Putnam said. "Lots of things are connected to this collapse of social connectedness."

    People surveyed by Public Agenda had few solutions. Thirty-six percent said that when confronted with rude behavior, the right thing is to respond with excessive politeness. Twenty percent said it is best to point out the bad behavior. But 42 percent said the best thing to do is just walk away.


  • Scully

    I'm feeling very glad right now that I'm Canadian (and was not included in the statistics-gathering process for this survey).

    Love, Scully

  • Elsewhere

    Wasn't there a movie about this?

    Falling Down

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • rhett

    Hey, screw you buddy!! You can take your fancy numbers and shove'em up your @$$!!!!!!
    Sorry, I just like being ironic.......

    Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
    Its time for them to be scared of us

  • IslandWoman

    So people are getting sick of rudeness, so what!

    I'm sick of child abuse. I'm sick of stupid politicians. I'm sick of an even more stupid electorate. I'm sick of Americans languishing over their overweight problems while others in the world go hungry. I'm sick of the American news media failing to properly inform. I'm sick of .......

    I'm sick of surveys!!!!!!!!!


  • teenyuck

    YES!!!YES!!!YES!!! (with a loud moan and sigh)

    After just returning from the doctor, where my 11:00 am appointment turned into seeing the doctor at 12:30.....I was quite annoyed. I was never given a reason or apology.

    The bottom line, IMHO, is that, as noted in the article, people go around like they are the only one in the universe. People do not listen or communicate effectively. This leads to misunderstandings and anger.

    The cell phone craze has created a world of "I am sooooo important, that I must take this call" type of people. They feel entitled to make/take calls during quiet times. I have heard the most astonishing things listening to someone make/take a cell call. It is crazy. They give away secrets. That is stupid.

    Or, people who have guests over, who take/make phone calls. It goes beyond, lets answer because so and so is not here yet, maybe they had a flat. It is, "I am slightly bored with you, guest, so I will answer my cell phone (I am not a doctor) and talk with the other person for 5-10 minutes catching up on their week.

    The driving thing does not bother me too much...unless the person is weaving in the lane and you discover...A CELL PHONE!!! The idiots cannot concentrate on both, so the driving suffers. Again, are you or your caller that important that lives on the highways are worth losing because you kinda drifted into the other lane while talking on the phone? NO NO NO

    Drive however you want, just without a phone stuck to your head. I can pass you if you are slow and let you pass if you are fast.

    I agree with the Harvard prof...

    Harvard University professor Robert D. Putnam said the rudeness epidemic is a symptom of growing social isolation. In his 1999 book "Bowling Alone," Putnam argued that television, automobiles, suburbanization and other forces have led to the decline of community organizations that once held Americans together.

    "That's causally linked to all sorts of other bad things, like schools not working as well," Putnam said. "Lots of things are connected to this collapse of social connectedness."

  • one

    A good topic, it goes right donw to basic daily living conditions. Of course this is the same reason, issue, why there is terrorism and war all over the globe

    I have been very aware of this social problem for a long time (even on this board). It is getting worse by the minute. People get easily offended (the bible say they are stupid...) Nobody want to be told. These days i think twice before opening my big mouth, even to children.

    Even people with great knowledge do it all the time. It is a desiase caused by lack of vitamin E.

    What the cel phones is doing to their heads? (kidding)
    Even if you dont use one you get a good dosis of radiation everywhere...

    Initially i was thinking about contamination from automoviles was the reason. (kidding again).

    Is a multifactor 'agent'(s)

    Lack of proper Education is the main factor...

    Hey even the wt is right on that one. Knowledge will save you, if you act on it, they used to called wisdom.

    Where do they teach people to be decent? at home, at school, at the university?, tv!!!?

    What can we spect?

    Disrespectfully yours, i dont even know you

    something obviously wrong with people, i went to watch the movie "resident evil" to get a clue about an availbae antidote, too bad they all died. I decided to "wait on Jehovah" during the mean time.

    Wait, i just started to feel superiror to everyone else now, so i must be annointed. Too bad i got to wait till next memorial to drink the grapefruit juice.

  • VioletAnai

    Just last nite I abused an arsehole who pushed in line before me at the ciggy counter in the shopping mall. I revved him one! Told him he was rude and that he should gets some manners. He told me to grow a brain. I said, Don't speak to me like that!!!!

    To which the service-chick turned to me and said 'What would you like Maam?'. Aaaahhhh....a sigh of satisfaction escapes me and I grin triumphantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mad Cow signing off!

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