I would like to know which camera has the longest self timer.....
by Iamallcool 4 Replies latest jw friends
It's probably better to buy a camera with a remote-control.
Thats a good idea. Thanks!
Captain Blithering
A lot, if not most DSLR's allow for 30 second exposures in manual mode, but if you wanna go longer you'll need to use 'bulb' mode, and buy a wired or remote release. They're cheap as chips on ebay, invariably from china, but they do the job perfectly.. I've done twenty minute exposures of star trails before, looks Niiiice!
If you are looking for a point and shoot easy to use camera, Samsung makes a variety of WiFi cameras with a feature called Remote Viewfinder...you load this app on an iPhone or android smartphone and use the phone as a viewfinder, to zoom and shoot from up to 75 feet away...So from a distance you can see on your phone what the picture will look like, then you can shoot as many pictures as you want using the touch screen of your phone. The picture is saved in the camera and you can also save it in your phone. Some of these camera use Schneider lenses and have 21x zoom...and they produce a much better picture than most phones that have no optical zoom and very small lenses.