It was last year at Easter time that I had a big insight that still looms large with me. My elderly mother was living with me and she had been suffering from dementia. I was taken aback why this one elder would come over once a month to try to get my mom to come up with 15 minutes of FS. I then understood that "time" was the value exchange in this crazy religion. The more "time" you reported, the more valuable you were to the Printing Company. It now made perfect sense why the only time my mother ever spent with me was "time" she could count. She made me have a bible study with her twice a week--- hated it, and why absolutely everything she would talk about would somehow, somewhat end up JW related. She was obsessed with counting her "time". She recently passed away... but what a horrible way to spend your entire life obsessed with JW "time".
Only "TIME" matters
by Roberta804 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Do you remember when Jesus asked his disciples how many hours they spent preaching that month?
Mr. Freeze - LOL!
They are obsessed with numbers. How manyfyears you've been in "da twoof," how many meetings you attend, how many times you comment, how many magazines you place, how many bible studies you have... As long as your numbers are good they love you. It has nothing to do with cultivating a Christ-like personality or showing love.
jean-luc picard
sorry to hear about your mum roberta. funny, but I now find myself in exactly the same one but no one from this ''loving'' religion comes to see my aged lonely mum.I thought that at least when they heard of her early stage of illness, that they would come and comfort her. One ''brother'' does come to take her out on a mag route, once a month. How kind.
Pams girl
Nothing loving at all about them. So sorry to hear about your Mum Roberta, and to JLP...thats a good man your mother raised....and shame on them.
Roberta, I am sorry to read that your Mom passed away. But yes, you are correct about the all consuming importance this organizaton places on reporting time.
It is a performance based religion. You MUST go door-to-door. It is mandatory. If you do not, you are harrassed to do so. If you do not, you are made to feel inadequate, invalid, a 'weak' witness. My Mother tried to threaten and guilt me into going, saying that I was risking my eternal life if I did not do this.
The real truth is... there is no scripture defining works as the handing out of Watchtower publications door-to-door or recruiting someone to join this religion. There are many people incapable of performing these tasks as well.
My Father, also has dementia. He has not been able to perform for years now. And he no longer understands what they are saying.
So I guess this religion is only for the young who are mentally and physically capable. To me, this says alot about it.