I never worked hard to become appointed as an MS. Appointments will vary from congregation to congregation. Some are appointed in the congregation where there's a real need for brothers. In the congregation where I was appointed, they had 5 elders & 2 MS, however, these men were aged and couldn't do much. When the elders said they wanted to meet with me to discuss my appointment I was shocked, because I had some resurging doubts about the WTBS.
The congregation where I was appointed only required you to come to the meetings, make a couple comments, be friendly & do at least 9 hours of FS each month to be appointed...ofcourse, they were desperate for men in the Khall, because it's an aging congregation. I've never had a Bible Study in my life and usually gave others my RV's before I was fully awaken.
The funny thing is that it's easier to get appointed than to step down or give up these "privileges"
Kool Jo