...when you remember that you are free from that religion?
For me, it is the best pick me up I can ever have. I may have had some really dark days, I may still, but that is the one thing that pulls me towards myself: I am free to think for myself, I am free to associate with whom I want, I am free to sleep in on the weekends, I am free of the guilt, I am free of an angry god that made me feel shit about myself.
I am fortunate enough to have put that time in my past - though I am happy to speak to ex JW's - to share experiences, to laugh, to cry and then to celebrate we are out.
I know that many of us still have people in that faith that we love. I know we wish we could break them free...something I have learnt is you cannot force anyone to see TTATT - they have to see if for themselves, they have to want to see what more there is out there. It is so wonderful that many on here publish articles that help that come about.
We are free!!! god that makes me smile from the inside out, makes me feel like I have a special glow around me, brings tears to my eyes.