As I understood it JWs celebrate (I use the term 'celebrate' loosely) the memorial of Christs death on Nisan 14. This year Nisan 14 fell on Monday 25th March 2013 and not Tuesday 26th March 2013 (which was the day of their memorial). All of my Jewish friends were celebrating their Passover meal on Monday 25th - is this another one of those moments where the Borg has it right and the whole of the Jewish population of the UK (including learned Rabbi) has it wrong? What is the rationale behind them being a day late? Just asking for your views?
Nisan 14 When?
by diamondblue1974 1 Replies latest jw friends
There was a WT article from the 70's that explained their rationale. Someone posted it on another thread here recently.
Just going from memory, they say that Nisan 1 is calcuated when the first sliver of a new moon can be seen in the city of Jerusalem. They also say something like that first sighting could be as much as 18 hours after the astronomical new moon, so the WT Nisan 1 may be a day later than the current Jewish method of calculating it. And if Nisan 1 is a day later, then of course Nisan 14 would be a day later too.
That's the long answer.
Here's the short answer:
They believe their own hype that they speak for God and can make up whatever shite they want to.