The 10 Commandments movie

by free2beme 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I have watched this movie before, but took the time to catch it here and there this last Sunday. What I didn't realize, was how much a peice of crap it was. How over acting was brought to new heights in it, with lines that would make Beavis and Butthead chuckle. Yeah, the special effects were dated and boring. But the black face on white people, and the supposed inserted story lines and characters was just horrible. Wont watch that peice of crap again, "Behold his mighty POS!"

  • TOTH

    I watched it. When I was a kid my folks watched it every year when it came out on EASTER SUNDAY? I think? It was a pretty good movie in its day but I agree that by today's standards it is lacking in many ways. I enjoyed it for it's sentimental value to me.

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