AAWA - Every generation needs a new revolution - Thomas Jefferson

by Christ Alone 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Let me say, I was so excited about AAWA. I still am. But these guys have tried to start a revolution based on 20/21st century ideals. Revolution is anarchy. It is an ideal of the people...NOT BASED ON A LOUSY BUSINESS MODEL!!!!

    I love America. And I love capitalism. But this is NOT nor will it ever be REVOLUTION. And revolution is the only thing that will change such a super power in our society. Revolution is what is needed to take over the Jargonaut that is the Watchtower.

    I want to volunteer. I want to supoort. I want to be a part of this movement, now know as "The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists." But there is much to disturb me, that we need to tweek. Maybe it is my knowing the 60's so well. My obsesssion with the 60's. With Woodstock. With the movements in San Fransisco. With PUNK ROCK. Their successes. Their failures.

    THe Watchtower MUST end. It must. SOON!!!

    Too many people have been hurt. And we cannot let one more be fall victim of this horrible orginization of men. Not a single person. And that is an incredible statement since someone (more in fact) will be hurt tomorrow. They must not. They WILL not. They CANNOT.

    It is time to stand up. Start a revolution! Start a movement that will no longer allow this to happen in our country. In our nation. On our continent. On our EARTH. NO more. We are finished. It is time to now begin a REVOLUTION.

    Let us write songs. Let us rise up. Let us stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" We will no longer lie down and take it. We will no longer turn around while you violate us. We will no longer keep quiet. You have had your time. Your time up there. No it is time for US. Our time down here.

    It is time for a REVOLUTION. One that will never be forgotten. One that will rival the revolutions of old. One that will rival revolutions of tyrany due to politics. One that will rival tyrany due to sex or race. A revolution that will stand up and say, "OUR MINDS ARE OUR OWN!" We will no longer sit back while you force your guilt in us. We will no longer feel shame. We will no longer feel inapropriate guilt.

    We are AAWA!

    We are art

    We are culture


    We may have different belifs. But we will stand as one. One nation. Under humanity. With liberty and justice for all.

  • cantleave

    I'm a human being! (I've said that somewhere before).....

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Yes you are, CantLeave! And while I may have a different belief...you are one of my favorite ones!

    I really don't mean to introduce negativity into this. Just motivation. And if I've failed, it is all me. But I am so proud of everyone for banding together. You have no idea what high hopes I have for AAWA! I still hold that it could be a greater contribution than has ever been given to the exJW work. Even bigger than Ray!!!

    So proud to be alive and present through this important work! '

    I'm a little bumbed that I can't edit my original post now... but I did not mean to be harsh towards AAWA. I love it already. Just wanting to be an annoying voice that keeps it on its toes.

    I do need to clarify. I did not mean that AAWA is not nor will ever be a Revolution. I meant that a business model is not a revolution. Art is behind every revolution. Good or bad. Passion. Refusal to back down. I really did not mean to say that AAWA is faulty necessarily. I'm just trying to put a thorn into the model so that anarchy....punk rock anarchy....is not forgotten.

    The goal is to bring down a giant. Rationality is needed. But rationality without passion is impotent.

    I see so much potential here. ANd that is why I'm writing about it. I want Cedars and his crew to suceed. And I can only hope to be a tiny part of it. It will be a legacy that will never be forgotten...IF....

    it is done right.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Christ Alone-

    What can we at JWN or other associates do to contribute the passion of 'Art' to this cause?

    Can you offer suggestions to get us thinking about your approach?

    Thanks . GfG

  • Fernando

    Hey Christ Alone!

    It is great that you understand and respond to art. Even better if you are a gifted communicator in this medium.

    I suspect a mix of different skill sets, ideas and mediums is what will reach a wider audience and garner the most support for a revolution.

    Given that AAWA seems quite mixed in terms of personal beliefs and orientation, it is likely they will accept and value support and input from almost any source that is aligned to their Mission Statement.

    I don't see AAWA rejecting art as an important medium for: "Raising awareness both inside and outside the Watchtower organization of its damaging beliefs and practices".

    Personally though, I came to reject the Watchtower through a rational (and passionate) study of the "full Good News" or "unabridged gospel".

    Since the cult had placed my right-brain into suspended animation, I had to rely totally on my left-brain to dig myself out of the hole I was born into.

    Whilst in the cult, I was not able to receive or discern important messages via art or music.

    How much art did Martin Luther use when unleashing the "first reformation of society"?

    Now I can see and really love the powerful "hidden" messages contained in John Lennon's song "Imagine" and in the "Last Crusade" movie in the 20 minute Holy Grail scene. Totally lost on me at the time though.

    Greetings, blessings and peace to you and yours


    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • soft+gentle

    Thank you christ alone. The name Aawa brings to mind The spirit of Antigone for me. I also like that the AA is an indrawn breath while WA is a powerful exhalation that then provides impetus for the bird to fly free in the artwork in their title. the sun and blue sky are its new home - the dark tower of the watchtower prison invaded by the liberators. This is timeless - think of the prisoners being freed in acts or how liberty came to South Africa. Mind you people can sometimes be slow to embrace freedom or they may not be ready for it (i am thinking of those who cry persecution but become liberated later).

    Aawa is also a primal scream against mind control.


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