Let me say, I was so excited about AAWA. I still am. But these guys have tried to start a revolution based on 20/21st century ideals. Revolution is anarchy. It is an ideal of the people...NOT BASED ON A LOUSY BUSINESS MODEL!!!!
I love America. And I love capitalism. But this is NOT nor will it ever be REVOLUTION. And revolution is the only thing that will change such a super power in our society. Revolution is what is needed to take over the Jargonaut that is the Watchtower.
I want to volunteer. I want to supoort. I want to be a part of this movement, now know as "The Association of Anti-Watchtower Activists." But there is much to disturb me, that we need to tweek. Maybe it is my knowing the 60's so well. My obsesssion with the 60's. With Woodstock. With the movements in San Fransisco. With PUNK ROCK. Their successes. Their failures.
THe Watchtower MUST end. It must. SOON!!!
Too many people have been hurt. And we cannot let one more be fall victim of this horrible orginization of men. Not a single person. And that is an incredible statement since someone (more in fact) will be hurt tomorrow. They must not. They WILL not. They CANNOT.
It is time to stand up. Start a revolution! Start a movement that will no longer allow this to happen in our country. In our nation. On our continent. On our EARTH. NO more. We are finished. It is time to now begin a REVOLUTION.
Let us write songs. Let us rise up. Let us stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" We will no longer lie down and take it. We will no longer turn around while you violate us. We will no longer keep quiet. You have had your time. Your time up there. No it is time for US. Our time down here.
It is time for a REVOLUTION. One that will never be forgotten. One that will rival the revolutions of old. One that will rival revolutions of tyrany due to politics. One that will rival tyrany due to sex or race. A revolution that will stand up and say, "OUR MINDS ARE OUR OWN!" We will no longer sit back while you force your guilt in us. We will no longer feel shame. We will no longer feel inapropriate guilt.
We are AAWA!
We are art
We are culture
We may have different belifs. But we will stand as one. One nation. Under humanity. With liberty and justice for all.