JW 'Scriptural Divorce' -v- Muslim 'Sharia Divorce'

by Joe Grundy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    I just read this BBC article about Sharia divorce in cases of domestic violence:


    The issues raised seemed very similar to me to what JWs teach about 'scriptural divorce' in these circumstances.

    Misogynistic (of course), dangerous and despicable.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Well, shamelessly bumping my own thread, I found this an interesting comparison.

    'Thinkers' amongst us may find it interesting too.

  • BlindersOff1
  • PaintedToeNail

    Pity that the women don't learn martial arts and beat the hell out of these awful men, or do like a group of women in South America did years ago and form a posse that beat up nasty husbands for the women they cheated on or abused. The South American group would satisify some of the muslim requirements for modesty, as the posse members kept themselves hooded and disguised...

  • Mum

    My friend used to volunteer with a domestic abuse women's shelter. She told me that she felt most sorry for the Muslim women and the Catholic women because they were consistently re-victimized by their respective religions.

    The City Attorney where I lived at the time made domestic violence her number one priority. I think most municipalities or counties now have victim advoates to help women get counseling, medical treatment, education, or whatever resources they need to get out of the situation. Many women have been helped by these advocates. If the victim will not press charges (and, believe it or not, many victims defend the perpetrator), the police can do it insteat.

    Sadly, too many women have been brought up to believe men are acting "normally" when they abuse women and children. Others seem to have some kind of persecution/martyr complex that makes them accept abuse.

    The secular authorities have to take charge of this issue. Apparently, most religious authorities will not, because they're still the "good ol' boy" network.

  • cofty

    Dr Hasan sends the couple away for another month to try to save their marriage, with the help of Allah...

    "What was shocking was when I explained to them why he shouldn't have that access to the children, their reaction was - well, you can't go against what Islam says."

    Isn't this so familiar? I look forward to seeing the documentary.

    Here is the clickable link...

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