Does anyone remember that real song in the song book that someone rewrote lyrics to? It was done to emphasize how the flock should not be sitting in the same seats every time like the False Religionists TM , and instead get to know those outside one's clique. You know, so when the Great Tribulation TM comes, you will have plenty of Friends' TM homes to hide in.
It was one of those things that the bros got so excited over, marveling at how clever their fellow bros are, and how special their religion is to have such a witty and fitting TM little song.
We couldn't wait for the real song to play so we could see which bros would be bold and sing the Move Around lyrics to it instead. Oh how hilarious that was! Everyone laughed and laughed. It was the highlight of our entire week! Then they'd get a little chat with the elders about yeah, that was funny, but we should all be singing the real lyrics.
Isn't it great to have real lives now and non-corny things to enjoy?!