Death toll rolls on in Afghanistan, Anne, just 25 years old

by designs 1 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    The suicide bombings are so frequent we become numb to them in the News. Another week and 2 3 5 suicide bombings, we lose count. Our minds do not let us process all of the personal loses. So why Anne, a 25 year old diplomat serving in Afghanistan. Maybe because I have a daughter just a few years older than Anne. Maybe it is because she was trying to do some good in a backward religious culture, she was blown up delivering books to a school to help other young girls.

    Anne had escorted our new Secretary of State John Kerry just a week ago as he visited Afghanistan.

    Others of course died in the attack, soldiers and civilians, and their parents grieve just like Anne's parents must be grieving today.

    The Taliban, what a curse on the human family.

  • mouthy

    Isnt this so sad...

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