"Kingdom hall is our college, paradise is our university, God is our propietor n Jesus is our principal, d Holy Spirit is our teacher, Angels are our guidance, d Bible is our handbook, trials oppositions n temptations are our exam, telling about armageddon is our is our assignment, prayer is our tool, salvation is our degree n Praise Jah is our motto. Enrol 2day, there is a room 4 all and tuition fee is free!!"
This was posted on a kingdom hall in Africa
by His Excellency 6 Replies latest jw friends
What a stellar example of pure unadulterated CULT speak
Borrowed. I found his quote on three facebook communities.
Church is our college , Heaven is our university . Jesus is our principal and the Holy Spirit is our teacher . Angels are our classmates. The Bible is our study book.
Eh, lifting teachings from Babylon the Great again, I see.
After Babylon the Great is destroyed, where on earth will the Watchtower get any new material? It will be like a dry well at Bethel.
Nice work jgnat. Caught out again. I checked this person's posting history.......
d instead of the - come on man - are people that lazy that they cannot write properly anymore.
isn't that sweeeeeet.
Braindead cult members