Elder Squidbilly was gunning for a brother who screwed up with his real estate portfolio in a bad way. Squid-billy made the case this brother had managed his holding in a unchristian and greedy way, so he appealed to the Body to remove him for theft! Squidbilly was jealous how smart brother Trump was and how everything he did previously turned into gold. Squidbilly himself, hated work and relied on his wife most of his life to enable him to play local Kingdom Hall prince while she worked two or three jobs working sixty to seventy hours a week, while he would leave the house for three hours or four on a good day. Brother Trump was removed with a lame excuse of "proper stewardship" and "a bad name for the Kingdom Hall".
Is this Jehovah's Organization of good men trying their best to mind everyone's business instead of their own? I was mad as a hornet when this happened because I knew what a crook my brother was! I started documenting all the bad that COBE Squidbilly was inflicting on the local Sheep and his exquisite delightful game of "screwing the older elders" or "how much emotional heat can the older elders handle before cracking?" his ability to stress and make old men cry is evil. I saw from another Hall what this man was doing to the entire Kingdom Hall, he was combing his own Kingdom Hall by forcing the elders who refused to bow down to him, to "step down" or move to another Kingdom Hall. When I was a child I thought my brother made a deal with Satan because everyone with any moral charater or moral compass is quickly deleted or move's away from our Kingdom Hall. When he was drunk one night, I looked over his head for the mark of "666" and I found a tattoo of "Property Of WTS". Really, you friends on JWN talk about Sociopaths and it's cute, only a small amount of us are lucky enough to have them in our life. Sociopaths are easily bored and they enjoy torturing the weak and elderly Jehovah Witnesses since they are the most logical targets. A sociopath is not going to walk up to a 295lb, street fighting gang banger, No! The Sociopath looks for the most vulnerable of the pack (flock) to play his spiritual hijinxs with and pushes himself onto single sisters as he toy's with her emotions. My brother enjoyed trying to see how far he could go with a single sister without gettting burned up, it's a game of "Chicken Adultry" to kill the time instead of burning insects with a magnifying glass.
What's the best way to get rid of men who do not obey you and follow your conscience? Start by dumping as many frivilous assignments, pressure them to drive seventy miles to give a talk and tell them they have "hospitality" for the next six months! Brothers who have or have wives with poor physical or mental health, or Cancer, call them up or corner them at the Kingdom Hall and guilt them! Tell the older brothers it's their job and Jehovah is counting on them to render justice to most heart wrenching troubles the brothers are made aware of "Judicial Committes".
Give their number to the publishers with extreme emotional or mental problems and tell the "craziods (his term)" to call "brother seventy nine" or deaf brother "eighty eight" late at night. The phone for the elderly brothers lights up like a Christmas Tree, poor deaf brother "eighty eight" and his wife are fumbling and stumbling over themselves, trying to interpret what some crazoid is trying to say at 11:30 PM. Brother "Seventy Nine" has Six-Dog-Selma show up at his house with her beat up car, she said "brother squidbilly said you could change my oil and rotate my tires!".... He enjoyed getting our body removed of the real older men, he wanted a "fun body" with life and brothers who enjoyed getting drunk!
Brother Squidbilly COBE had 29 jobs from 1983 to 2010
Brother Squidbilly filed Bankruptcy twice, his second time was two and a half years before Brother Trump.
Boat, Cars, Motorcycle repo information all is available for brother Trump to take to Squidbilly but it will do not good! How in God's name could this elder/COBE get away with taking down a elder for doing something he himself did on purpose?
Squidbilly refused to work and I know for a fact he charged and maxxed out all his credit cards and Department Store cards because he knew he would never pay the money back. Squidbilly refused the offer of the Creditors to pay back only the principle with no interest! No Way, not for him! My hero the elder stold from these creditors by Pioneering and working only fifteen hours a week to stay at the Poverty Level. He never planned on paying off any of his debt, so he did the next best thing. Squidbilly and his horrible wife lived off her elderly parents who were on disability making $700 a month. Sister Squidbilly's old father had to go back to work to help make the property payments to the bank while Squidbilly sat on his ass drinking beer and moving toward's his target weight of 300lbs.
These are the moments I am so proud of my JW Heritage and how we are so quick to judge everyone else worthy of Ghenna while we brag about which chair we are going to sit on at Jesus Christ's Table in the Kingdom Of God.