Clawing out of poverty via (E)ducation, not education

by MTSman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • MTSman

    Okay, so I've been what I believe is called a, "Lurker", on this site for about four years. I honestly don't remember how I stumbled on to it, but I totally get everyone here. I'm a, "born in", pinoneered for like six-teen years, servered where the need is great several times, and even went to the, as the name alludes to, MTS before it became a watered down Theocratic Ministry School. I love and have always loved learning, and for years the only learning I did was at the Hall, and reading the mind-numbing literature from Brooklyn. Well, I volunteered to serve some congregation in the Hood, and because of my zealousness for serving my fellow brothers and sisters and for the ministry, I did something really stupid all for the sake of staying in my assignment. When I sat before the judges, I didn't know how to articulate why I did what I did. Yes, I was a bumbling idiot at the mercy of not only three very experienced brothers, but also the fourth member of the judicial commity, the F'n Circuit Overseer who now that I look back was pulling the strings. I guess he was using some tough love. Anyway, the hammer came down and I was, "Out."

    I spent a year sulking and whining about life, but soon I realized whining doesn't do any good, and neither does waiting on Godot. I spent another year trying to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life, the only thing I wanted to do was go to Bethel because of free housing and food, and work as a Circuit Overseer because of free housing and food. However, like many, "born ins," other than the low paying service industry skills that I had-and I tried putting MTS, and my trade as a pioneer on my resume and was shocked when I found out it didn't mean jack shit outside in the real world-I had no REAL marketable skills, so I got a job at some place serving people. I'm still there, and hate every minute I'm there. But I took some classes at the community college, just for fun and to see how my Harvard like MTS education compared to the worldly satanic education, and to my shock I ain't no nuffin'. WHAT? I didn't even place into college level reading and writing, and reading and writting is all we really do in the TRUFF. What the F? Seriously? All those years of cyclical bible readings and recycled talks, and I ain't leaned no real grahmmer, or ways to artikulate my thought onto paper. WHAT THE F MAN! Well that just pissed me off. I mean really pissed me off to the point where I really loathed this religion so much I just wanted to get an edumatcation to serve as a huge FU to the organization.

    Anyway, I quickly leaned where to put a comma, to my shock it wasn't to break up the pace of the sentence like I was tought, and how to string idea's together in a cohearant, and entertaing way. Two years of community college and I was ready to transfer out, and did. I just wanting a B.A. in English Lit because that's really the only thing I'm interested in, I never realized there were so many books written by worldy people, but just the other day my General Manager at my low paying humble serve thy neighbor job, informed me that I was one of her highest paid employees. Um, I make like 9.25 an hour, seriously? I was like OH HELL NO! There is no way on God's green earth I am working here with a B.A. from an Ivy League School, so right then and there I decided the only way to, "GET OUT", of poverty is continuing my edumacation for another three years in Law School. Yeah, yeah like world needs another lawyer, but at this point I don't give a flying, you know.

    I'm still young, sort of, I just turned for...thirty something, and I just can't go back to the stupidity of this religion. Of course I miss my family and friends, but I know if I ever get into a jam like before, pardon my French, ain't nobody going to help, and I ain't going to rely on cliched zenlike sayings to get me through tough times either.

    Well, that's my story in a nutshell. Wow that felt really good writting this. Okay I got to go. I'm at the University Library and it's the first hot day of the year and the girls are all wearing next to nothing. Got to get some tail-Peace Love and Soul!

  • Londo111

    Welcome, MTSman! I look forward to reading your experiences.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "I tried putting MTS, and my trade as a pioneer on my resume and was shocked when I found out it didn't mean jack shit outside in the real world-I had no REAL marketable skills"

    I remember that moment of realization.

    Best of luck in all your pursuits.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Welcome, MTSman! Great story, and you have a talent for writing. I enjoyed reading it.

    Of course I never went to college and have been toiling away at office-clerk-type jobs for my whole life. But, my unbelievably lucky brother, who was a Bethelite for 18 years, learned an actual lucrative job skill while he was in there. When he left he was running the water/sewer treatment plant at WT Farm. So now he's living in Maui and earning big bucks working at the Maui County water treatment plant. He has a beautiful house and a comfortable life, and I'm still out here (really out since I DA'd) trying to eke out a living with my meager skills and circuitous "career" path.

    Good for you, getting yourself "eddikated," and for getting out while you're still relatively young!

  • Chaserious

    Congrats on learning TTATT and on your determination to get a real education. This was an entertaining read too.

    If you are set on law school, I feel compelled to warn you to do your research and apply and enroll with a plan. Maybe you have done your homework already, but I think in the current economy more unsuspecting students are put into poverty by going to law school than get out of poverty.

  • gma-tired2

    Welcome MTSman. at least you are learning while still young many are in our senior years. Good luck with your studies. Educaional Studies

  • Hortensia

    Entertaining post - Welcome!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hello Lurking Larry aka MTSman...A big happy Welcome to you and 3 Gold Stars for being such a smart guy!

    Just Lois

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I read your insightful post about DC speakers, and realized I never welcomed you to the forum. Welcome and Iook forward to reading your input.

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