What If Before You Enter The Intersantum (KHall) you had to write, on a piece of paper...

by LoisLane looking for Superman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    ...what you think the top 10 Doctrines of your, JW religion, (cited Bible scripture as well...not cited Corporation publications), are. lol

    It is my guess, some of the answers would be "old" thinking that would get you DF for not keeping up with, "This Week's... What the Governing Body Heard from God", stories, regurgitated as Gospel. lol

    Just Lois having fun

  • ldrnomo

    A lot of the R&F, especially the under 40 group would have a hard time coming up with 10 doctrines.

  • Mum

    Here's my list (of the ones that don't change):

    1. Obey us at all times, no matter how old you are or how much education you have, or how many of our dirty little secrets you know.

    2. Don't associate with "worldly" people or "apostates." They might persuade you that you deserve a life of your own.

    3. There is a pecking order here, and you'd better know your place. Women and children are at the bottom no matter how "faithful" they are.

    4. It is okay to harm others, but only if they are women, children, disfellowshipped, disassociated, marked, or otherwise on our sh*t list.

    5. Thinking will get you a meeting with the Thought Police (i.e., a JC)

    6. Don't get an education, because it is likely to give you enough critical thinking skills that you will no longer want to be our slave.

    7. If you want to have a social life, check with us first, To us, you're all incorrigible second graders.

    8. If you or your child needs a blood transfusion, even to save your life, you must choose death over disobeying us.

    9. Don't smoke because you might smell bad and keep householders from wanting you around.

    10. Don't read books (except WT publications) or go to movies because you might learn something or even enjoy yourself.

    Any others?

  • Tiktaalik

    What is The Intersantum?

    Inner Sanctum?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you IDrNoMo and Mum,

    I think it would be a "fun"game to "play" on Monday night...family night study. I think the family head, would be surprised what everyone wrote down and handed over.

    Right now, if I was asked to participate, I would have to put my thinking cap on. In 6 decades, there have been so many, flip flops...and huhh ? moments . lol

    The funniest would be if the Elders, were asked, to write down the top 10 Doctrines, with scriptural support, sign it, and hand it in to the Instructor, on their first day at the Elder School.

    I tend to think, some Elders, would, in all honesty, write down wrong Doctrines. What does the Governing Body expect? Who can keep up with decades of change?

    The Bible doesn't change. Why do they?

    What is an "absolutely true Doctrine", as in..."We absolutely heard God tell us...", becomes, "ah......It's God's fault. He didn't tell us clearly, so you see, what God, meant to say to us", or "what God implied is...".

    What a bunch of hokus pokus Crooks

    Just Lois

  • Satanus

    They have a lot of don'ts. Their religion is a lot like the 10 commandments. A good religion would have a lot of positive 'do' commands. Its easy for them to write down 10 things that jws are not to do.

    1 No blood transfusions

    2 No sex before before marriage

    3 No going to other churches

    4 No contact w xjws

    5 No deviance from the gb dictates

    6 No slacking off

    7 No military invlovement

    8 No fun drugs

    9 No missing meetings

    10 No imortal soul belief

    11 No trinity belief


  • OnTheWayOut

    10. There is no hell

    9. Jesus was nailed to a single post.

    8. A human is a soul, he does not possess a soul.

    7. Abstain from blood.

    6. Jehovah gives undeserved kindness to deserving ones. (Recruit and sell literature)

    5. The world is bad.

    4. Don't even think of lawsuits against your brothers, at least not the organization.

    3. When you run out of ideas on doctrines, just list obedience factors for the remainder- Obey the governing body.

    2. Follow those taking the lead in the congregation- Obey the elders.

    1. Obey Jehovah. If you don't know how, read your Watchtower and pay attention at meetings. The mags and brothers will tell you how to obey.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hey Tiktaalik, You got me! lol Some of these words, you have to be able to spell first, before you can search and get "hep" spelling it correctly.

    Thank you, for bringing it, to my attention!

    Just Lois

  • Tiktaalik

    No worries! I thought that maybe it was a new term for a Kingdumb Hall!!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Tiktaakik...Do I ever want this thread to die now! lol

    Inner sanctum, inner sanctum, inner sanctum or intersantum, naw", I like the way you spell it, lol, correctly. I thought it was one whole word too. lol

    I guess I don't read enough about "Inter Sanctum"s", to recall how to spell it correctly. I am, embarassed , but that too shall pass. lol

    Thank you again!

    Just Lois

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