Every one or most here seem to think the WT is in it for the money, if so any one have any ideas about were the moneys going and what its paying for???
weres the money??
by Crazyguy 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
this has been discussed a million times here.
Here's a clue...
http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/250030/1/BROTHERS-SISTERS-READ-THE-BROCHURE -
Not everyone. But money is always a motivating factor in people. As is power, and how other people view you.
The money is in several accounts (including one large Citibank account that is one of citibanks finest according to my asset manager friend with the bank), and is used for all kinds of stuff.
I don't personally think that the GB is living high on the hog so to speak. But brothers such as JR Brown and some of the more prominent DO's and CO's do get left property and given money many times from those they meet in the circuit. Sometimes they do very well, most do not.
Thy aren't building mansions or driving Mercedes. They of course never have to do a real days work in their lives, and are damn near treated as royalty. The society is always afraid they won't have anough money, so they hoard it. Why? I have no idea.
But no I don't think "they" are in it for the money. I think they are basically true believers, that don't mind being taken care of along the way.
>> But no I don't think "they" are in it for the money. I think they are basically true believers, that don't mind being taken care of along the way.
It's ALL about the $$$$$$. They hoard it because it's the most important thing to them.
Money = power. Power to cut yourself off from society. Power to live in comfort. Power to do nothing productive and live like parasites on the efforts of your gulled followers.
So, in the end, it's all about the dollars.
When the rank & file JW's are told to put their trust in Jehovah & put 'Kingdom (Watchtower) interests first in their lives' despite the difficulties that ensue...............
The GB have put their trust in their lawyers.
The GB have put their trust in accruing financial security for an oganisation that bolsters their position & lets them live as 'princes'
When it comes down to it the GB do NOT put their trust in God.