The joyfulness of being grandparents. LOL

by jam 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    I get a kick out of our kids when they freak out, they can,t

    understand why there children misbehave. Hello , have you forgot

    your childhood. This was so funny, it happen last week.

    My grandson (5 years old) misbehaves in pre-school. An

    substitute teacher told my grandson to put his toy up and

    he refused to do so in a timely manner. She walks over and lean

    down to tell him again. He gently took his two fingers, placed them

    on her cheek and gently turn her face. Well guess what, time out time.

    While in time out he yelled out, I hate miss so and so (substitute teacher).

    Letter sent home to mom and dad, detailing the event. They freak.

    Father sit down when son, son what,s your problem? The five year old,

    dad I don,t know what happen, sometimes it,s like a volcano in my

    head and it exploded. Father, you haven,t seen a volcano explod until

    your mom get home.

  • mrsjones5

    Teach them while they're young.

  • designs


    Grandkids are great. Our 4 year old likes to talk like robot in class (preschool) answers the teachers questions that way, been watching to many reruns of Star Wars.

    We had a family get together and someone asked 'Let's give Thanks' so my grandson say loudly THANKS!

  • jam

    I agree Mrsjones5, but they are so innocent (in my eyes).

    designs: LOL. No nonsense, thanks lets eat, a great prayer for

    the KH.

  • SkyGreen

    i have to remind myself all the time they're just kids and not to expect so much of them!

    Mine are holy terrors and little angels all at the same time!

  • mamochan13

    The thing I"ve been able to do with my grandchildren that I was not able to do as a parent is stop and try to understand WHY they are behaving a certain way. AS a parent I was often quick to discipline/punish. AS a grandparent I look at my grandson's scribbles all over the wall and appreciate his budding artistry.

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