I'm looking for any new and relevant information on exactly where JWS are at with blood fractions. I have read heaps of posts and information on this topic but I'm finding it hard to find any thing clear. Maybe there is nothing clear about it. I was a JW for the first 16 years of my life and always believed that no part of the blood was to be used. Now I'm finding conflicting information. My dad is about to undergo heart sugery and the blood thing wasn't too much of an issue as many are done without blood these days. Just as he was about to be operated on they find his platelet count is too low and pull him out at the last minute. Now he can't have it done until the count rises - problem is it's not rising and soon he will have to get it done regardless. I don't know if I could ever confront him with information if I found it but I need to know. If anyone has any current information or a suggestion of how to deal with the situation please let me know.
I need help - time's running out
by tigger23 5 Replies latest watchtower medical
Unfortunately platelets are still considered by the WTS to be a "forbidden" component of blood.
You need to help your father realize that tomorrow they could very well be a conscience matter. Who wants to die for "old light". This is a very sad situation to be in.
You have a lot of work ahead of you.
At AJWRB's site ( http://www.ajwrb.org), go to http://www.ajwrb.org/physicians/index.shtml
Then click on "Virtual Medical Conference" - These are "pdf files so you will need acrobat reader to view. They basically show everything in a quick table format.
Print them off. The only thing missing is "hemoglobin" solutions are approved too! You can find that stuff quite easily at the front page of the AJWRB site under the HemoPure information (cow's blood).
As for talking to a JW - well Randy's site has some suggestions but it takes years to get good at it and still JWs will refuse to listen to you.
Bible stuff can be found there too. Check out Deut 21, line14 and Lev. 17 line 16.
p.s. - welcome to the site
Can't thank you enough Hawk for your thoughtful and prompt reply. At this stage I will try what ever it takes. I don;t want to see my dad die at 53 just when we are patching things together so well.
Thanks again. -
To answer your question succinctly, all fractions are allowed except the following unprocessed items:
Red blood cells
White blood cells
PlasmaAlso, giving blood is ok as long you know that it will be processed into fractions except for the above.
Witness inc - http://www.witnessinc.com has a study called "Do Jehovah's Witnesses take their own blood. - showing that infact that Jehovah's Witnesses when undergoing an organ transplant do NOW take in complete blood cells from the blood still in the donated organ. I think they also have other blood information.