This is what I get from the beginning.
Some high level, supposedly beautiful, angel used his free will to go his own way. We were told to call this one "Satan." Supposedly 1/3 of the un-named angels used their free will and followed Satan. The first 3 humans in the Bible used their free will and went their own way. The 4th human was offering sacrifices that GOD liked and, so, God liked the 4th human. He was killed by the 3rd human. After some many years God spoke and said that he was sick of humans and wished that he had never created them. By then there were thousands of humans. God did not like any of them. God comes up with a new plan. He will drown thousands of humans and millions of animals, all of them, except for just a few samples of each kind. Several times early on it was proclaimed that things created were "good".
What has worked right so far? Am I making this up?