Empty Cartons well past the sell-by date

by Terry 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    Lurking Elders abound on JW.net

    Curiousity killed the cat...but, not them!

    They come to sniff out the forbidden zone and indulge themselves as covert Peeping Toms.

    They survey the damage by peeking in on us--their VICTIMS!

    After all, THEY CREATED this no-man's-land of castaways and orphans by putting our back against the wall of their Kingdom Hall.

    Are you out there, Brother Elder?

    Are you finding our little show a source of entertaining fascination?

    Are we pathetic or just a little disturbing? Are we scary or merely confusing?

    Most of all, let me ask---WHAT DO YOU CARE?

    Who ARE you, Mister Anonymous? You who tear families apart with your demand for Loyalty to those funny little men at Bethel.....

    Do you feel powerful cornering the weak and troubled in your congregation and watching them squirm and tremble as you interrogate them?

    How does it feel to hold them in the palm of your hand?

    Well, here is a HEAD'S UP for you. Pay attention!

    This little place may be a peep show for your morbid curiousity--but--what it really is will surprise you. It is a MIRROR and what you are looking at

    is your FUTURE.

    Your sell-by date is ticking and you are an empty carton.

    To be moral and to be somebody you have to make real choices.

    You must either BE a real person whose mind matches his daily actions or else you are hollowed out and full of maggots.

    Face up!


    It is because you already know your little life is a lie.

    Walking in the shadow of a lie makes you an enemy to any life worth living.

    It is only a matter of time, my friend, only a matter of time. Those two compartments in your brain can't remain sealed off forever. You'll give yourself away as sure as day follows night.

    Living a lie scrapes away the beauty from your soul and leaves a hole nothing can fill but lonliness and depression.

    That is what makes you Elders in the congregation so dangerous to your fellow believers!

    You see it out of the corner of your eye--don't you? You see the unravelling of the thread and it scares you. So, you get mean and nasty and tear

    the spirit out of the weak and the hurting and bothersome dissenters to puff up your glorious dream of the TRUTH.

    Squeeze those JUST LIKE YOURSELF and maybe the doubts will all go away. Maybe. Maybe not.


    you are weak and you are hurting and you are walking around with a wound that will unwind you. And all the long hours of the day you are ACTING sure and certain and full of righteous zeal--but--it truly is a tale told by idiots, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

    So--get off the damned fence and be real for five minutes why don't you?

    What kind of man are you? You can't speak your own mind out loud?

    This is a free society and you choose to walk in chains biting your tongue and stifling your own intelligence?

    THIS is the life you choose? My god, man--WHAT ARE YOU?

    You have 3 choices and you need to feel the slap of them on your self-righteous cheek.

    1.Admit your religion is a lie and that makes you a practioner of lies and an enforcer of human misery

    2.Tear out the doubts and the curiousity and individuality and become exactly like "them" for the rest of your miserable life.

    3.Choose what you are and make it real by saying out loud what you feel. See who helps you and who is quick to hurt you. To whom do you belong?

    I know some dear friends who are empty cartons well past the sell-by date.

    This year is just exactly like last year and the year before stretching on back to some awkward moment they really thought Jehovah was going

    to do what the Watchtower printed in a magazine. Now they are old. There is little left to do but reap the harvest and the wild wind.

    They will grow older still, grow feeble, useless and will die and Armageddon will no longer mean a damn thing.

    Being convinced of something only makes you more dangerous.

    Religious conviction and zeal is a putrifying disease that makes men fly airplanes into buildings.

    If you want to get well.....try doubting something.

    Being unsure is breath of sanity.

    Being confused is being human.

    Not knowing all the answers puts you down here with real people and not on the cloud of ego and illusion.

    Trying being wrong.

    Try being real.

    Try being human.

    Why? It means FREEDOM!

  • Glander

    Well said, Terry.

    If read by an elder with a "crises of conscience" and an honest heart it might move him.

    In my experience, most elders reflect the character of the mother organization. The mother organization is very insecure today. They fight with all they've got to escape culpability for actions that the average person sees as a simple matter of right and wrong.

    They are on the offensive against "apostates" like never before because they are extremely vulnerable to legitimate criticism in the year of 2013.

    Instead of honesty and humilty, they publish their reversals of doctrine in double talk and obfuscation.

    Elders are finding out what they are made of.

  • Mum

    Wow, Terry! You are so full of truth. I'm glad you're sharing it with us and with "them." Bless you for this post.

  • cobaltcupcake

    C'mon, guys! Life is so GOOD out here!

  • Terry

    Bottom line: we're throwing a party, so, come to where the cool kids are hangin' out!

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