Jehovahs Witness Documentary - Search for Paradise
by TJ Curioso 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Interesting and sad at the same time...a story oft repeated. The comments from viewers of the video are particularly telling...typical JW-speak from brainwashed followers.
Weird. I felt creepy when he went into the KH. I guess I am a real apostate now. LOL!! The sad thing is, there is nothing wrong with higher education. You can worship God and be educated. The WTBTS doesn't want anyone equal to, or smarter that their lawyers hanging around.
There is no reason that kid couldn't be an Artist. If the dubs are " the truth ", then this kid won't leave. Then one day he can be in a Watchtower as an example of a famous artist who believes in a creator. The WTBTS is really shooting themselves in the foot with banning 4 years of further education. They had better change that soon.
Poor Benny! I wonder what he makes of the parable of the talents. He has convinced himself that he is still an artist.
Most of us would do anything to have that artistic talent, but he's just flushing it down the toilet for an illusion.
We're here for you, Benny, when you wake up and smell the coffee! Prince and Michael Jackson had successful, lucrative careers while being JW's.
Should have spent more time studying about David.
He was a musician and designed and made musical instruments.
All that and he was an adultering murdering king to boot!
This guy thinks the NWT is translated from the ORIGINAL texts. I'd like to know where these original texts are.
I would expect to see more " home made " films on Youtube. I don't think we have seen the half of it when it comes to propaganda. I would bet my pseudonym that he had lots of help. He will never be counseled for going on a social web-site either..