When I read my copy of the Watchtower and read this "supposed" story of Steve hitting Selma, her JW "Bible" teacher, reading her a scripture, telling her she needs to be a better wife, so this good hearted, God fearing, passive, already abused woman, who wants to be a Christian, and wants to obey the "will" of God, stays with an abusive mate for 17 more years...then Hallelujah...he becomes a JW!
What a screwed up scenario!
What if the "Bible" teacher said, "You need help! Jesus preached love. You can't be a Christian in a household with an abusive mate. Plus, it is against Caesar's Law to touch another person, with intent to hurt. Let's call the proper authorities, right now!"
That would be teaching proper procedure.
"Selma", a passive abused woman, with proper help from Professionals, could have left "Steve", gone back to School, got an Education, helped others, and made her life...worth something...other than a bobble-headed robot, regurgitating the "latest" "new light", as God's honest truth, this time. lol
Just Lois