Vincent Toole, solicitor for the Jehovah's Witnesses, said the fact that the church got working with children checks had nothing to do with Steven Unthank, whom he suggested was behind the court case. ''We find it disappointing that he continues to misrepresent our organisation.''.......
....''Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse, and place the protection of children at the highest level,'' he said.
Jehovah's Witnesses say it is not their responsibility to report child sex abuse to police unless mandatory reporting legislation is in place.
Jehovah's Witness legal counsel Rachel van Witsen said elders were not expected to know their legal obligations.
"This is done to ensure elders fully comply with any legal requirements that may be applicable in the state in which they reside," she said.
"In Victoria if there was mandatory reporting the immediate advice would be to report that immediately."
The society's director Terrence O'Brien said the decision to take the allegations to police lay with the victim.
"Without mandatory reporting we don't feel that as ministers of religion that's our obligation to do that," Mr O'Brien said.
All of this made me think about an often used example in public talks about " Bible principles." Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be led by bible principles, and not ridgid rules, or a list of do's and dont's. This was stressed in a recent Watchtower article, as well as the Safeguard Your Conscience special assembly.
This means that one of Jehovah's Witnesses would follow the priciples in the Bible even when no law existed, or in opposition to a law that violated Bible principles. This decision would be made by the individual's " spirit directed " conscience. Think of Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Did Joseph say, " I would gladly refrain from sleeping with Potiphar's wife if Egyptian law made it mandatory."
Here is the often used example that I have heard in talks given by Circuit Overseers:
You are driving through a neighborhood. The posted speed-limit is 35 mph. You have the legal right to travel at 35 mph. As you pass through the neigborhood, you see that both sides of the street have children playing. The are riding bikes, playing catch, having fun, but not really paying attention as children can fail to do. The streets are narrow, and there is not much of a shoulder for the children. Where are the parents? Why are there so many children playing near the edge of the road?
What do you do? The speed limit is 35 mph. It is your legal right to travel at that speed. You cannot be faulted for going the speed limit. It is the parent's responsibility to look after their children.
So, do you insist on your personal right to travel at 35 mph, insisting that the parents and children should know better, or do follow the Bible priciple of loving your fellow man, and slow down to protect the children? Bible principles are always superior to laws...
The society's director Terrence O'Brien said the decision to take the allegations to police lay with the victim.
"Without mandatory reporting we don't feel that as ministers of religion that's our obligation to do that," Mr O'Brien said.