The July, 2013 Watchtower article giving their "new light" on the FDS begins as follows:
“'BROTHERS, I cannot begin to count the times you have put into my hands articles that contained just what I needed when I needed it most.' That is how one sister expressed her appreciation in a letter to the brothers who work at our world headquarters. Can you identify with her? Many of us can. Should that surprise us? Not really.
2 The timely spiritual food we receive is proof that Jesus, the Head of the congregation, is keeping his promise to feed us. Through whom is he doing so?"
Guess through whom Jesus is working. Why, the faithful and discreet slave, of course!
Does anyone here doubt that the quote from the sister was made up by the Writing Department, just like the "Questions from Readers'?
Why start the article with that?
In order to control JW's reactions to the "new light."
"Many of us" can "identify" with that sister's appreciative attitude. Who is "us"? It sounds like "us" means "Jehovah's (grateful) Witnesses." But "us" really means the people responsible for the publication of the article. Who is that? The GB! They are praising themselves again in such a way as to make sure JWs feel guilty if they aren't praising them too.
What they are really saying is, "Before you read this article, remember that you should swallow wholesale anything we tell you and be grateful for it because it comes straight from Jesus. So if you question this change, you are rebelling against Jehovah's Son, his king, and therefore against Jehovah himself."