I typed in Xenophobia at the official WT online Library search engine:
A World Without Prejudice—When? (1 occurrence)
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated: “There are many valuable treaties and tools—as well as a comprehensive global framework—to prevent and eradicate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. w13 6/1 pp. 5-7 - The Watchtower—2013 Phobias (1 occurrence) xenophobia : g97 9/8 6 dx86-12 - Index 1986-2012 The Face of Prejudice (1 occurrence) “Hundreds of millions of human beings continue to suffer today from racism, discrimination, xenophobia and exclusion,” explains Koichiro Matsuura, director general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). g04 9/8 pp. 3-5 - Awake!—2004 The Roots of Hate (1 occurrence) The belief that one’s nationality, skin color, culture, or language makes one superior to others can breed bigotry and xenophobia (the disdain for anyone or anything foreign). g01 8/8 pp. 4-7 - Awake!—2001 An Epidemic of Hate (1 occurrence) Moreover, newspaper headlines each day point to an epidemic of xenophobia , which is directed primarily against refugees, who now number more than 21 million people. w00 8/15 pp. 2-4 - The Watchtower—2000 The Manipulation of Information (1 occurrence) He blames the media “for systematically cultivating xenophobia and racism” by a slanted coverage of crime. g00 6/22 pp. 4-8 - Awake!—2000 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnnKU4FyTVE Stephan Lett voices paranoia of Strangers (Xenophobia) even falsely projecting the Devil on strangers(seriously disturbing to say the least).