Question from a newbie

by L3G 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • L3G

    My second post. While lurking here, I've seen that some regular contributors have good resources or ability to find things in the WT publications.

    I've got a relative who sometimes listens when I point out problems with the borg's thinking, but I don't have the resources to find something that would help me when talking to her. Perhaps someone here can find it and help me out. Over the years while attending meetings I remember more than once the publications stating that prophecy is best understood after the supposed fullfilment. This, of course, indirectly subracts from the validity of trying to figure out prophecy ahead of time, what the borg so often has practiced. If it's not too much work, maybe someone could give me a few of those refs. from past literature with this statement so that I can share them with my somewhat still-in relative. She expressed doubts to me that the publications have never said that, but I know I read it repeatedly...

    Thanks in advance to any kind soul who can help me out here.

  • Badfish
  • SeekingTheRealTruth

    W2011 12/1 pp 11-13

    also check out -changed dates: failed ppredictions

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome L3G, Instead of trying to change what a JW believes, have you thought about helping a JW to think more critically about what they are told by the WTBTS so that they can see it as the B$ that it is? Do you know of Steve Hassan's methods to help members of dangerous cults to think for themselves? Have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", or (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website, or watched his videos?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • clarity

    If you look at the top of the page you see

    SEARCH on that & type in the subject,

    for instance ...................>

    the watchtower (yr/mth?)stating that prophecy is best understood after the supposed fullfilment.

    or what ever you are looking for.


  • smiddy

    Hey L3G if you want to look outside the box, search," crimes comitted by Jehovahs Witnesses" you may be amazed ,seeing the truth is a spiritual paradise. Enjoy


  • Newly Enlightened
  • punkofnice
  • L3G

    Thanks! That 2011 WT had the statement. Let's hope my relative will see the point.


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