Commitee and disfellowshipment

by Freeof1914 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Freeof1914

    I have only posted on here several times, but I am constantly reading what others post. I guess I am more of a reader than author. That being said I am happy to announce I am no longer one of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I was in my committee case last night and that was the outcome. The interesting thing and the reason of my post is to just highlight some observation from my committee. Firstly let me start by saying that I come from a very hardcore witness family on both my side and my wife's side of the family. I was at one point also very involved and was gung ho. My wife continues to be. I was involved in an inappropiate relationship some five years ago, all of which came to light in the past weeks. Out of respect to my wife and her asking me to please see the elders I did, I felt it was the least I could do for her. I own my mistake and I regret hurting her like that.

    The interesting thing is that although the committee was for something of a sexual nature the questioning took on a whole different tone. The elders have been aware for some time of my doubts regarding the Witnesses' beliefs. I spoke to a cousin of mine candidly about these doubts simply in a form of conversation, not trying to make his faith crumble. I spoke to him as friend. Apparently, he went and told the elders the things I had mentioned. They asked me if I had spoken to him of my doubts, I said yes I did the same way I spoke to you of my doubts. They proceeded to drill me about this asking me, Do you think this is the ONLY truth? I responded by saying I do believe that they bible is the best way to live. I began to tell them about my ideas regarding doubts. I stated, " Doubts are what help a faith become solid. If I had no doubts then I would not investigate my own beleifs and this is not the type of faith that can be solid, it is not the christian faith, it is simply blindly following the ideas of men and not what the Bible has told us to do." They all agreed on this point.

    After this conversation they began to give me a guilt trip about the harm I am causing my family by being inactive and having doubts. I told them isn't more harmful that I lie to them and act as if I believe everything? I then asked them if this is the truth and I am hypocritcally serving Jehovah, and not having faith in HIS organization, what good would it do? It would be the same as lip service. They agreed.

    They then asked if I had anything else to tell them I said, Yes I do. I smoke cigarettes, occasionally smoke marihuana and have gotten drunk publicaly from time to time! Too bad I couldn't snap a picture of their faces when I said this.

    Afterward they did the customary routine of asking me to wait on their decision. When I was called back they told me their decision I WAS BEING DISFELLOWSHIPPED BECAUSE OF THE DOUBTS, MY LACK OF BELIEF THAT THIS WAS THE ORGANIZATION!!! After all the other things I told them about the most severe for them was NOT my betrayal of my wife, smoking, drinking, drugs but DOUBTS!!! INCREDIBLE!!

    The last thing I said to them as I left was, "Funny, I don't recall Jesus shunning Thomas for not believing. In fact he showed him the PROOF necessary to support the claims of the other apostles. THAT is your responsiblity to your flock and you have not fulfilled it, instead you choose to cast me off because of those doubts. EXCELLENT shephards. Good night!" It felt amazing, walked out of there feeling like I had been liberated.

  • LisaRose

    Good for you, I am so glad you were able to show them what hypocrites they were, all sins can be forgiven except thinking for yourself.

  • Glander

    sex, drugs and rock & roll doesn't seem to even come close to someone expressing honest questions about the cult teachings.

    Running scared in 2013... or...

    Cornered rats in 2013...

  • Perry

    Sorry to hear about your troubles Freeof1914.

    I came to the conclusion that despite enormous will-power, the Christian life (as described in the NT) cannot be lived out without being born again. Thankfully the bible does not reccommend the try harder-run faster-jump higher advice of the WT writers. The WT has it wrong. The human will is not enough for people to live out the life many want - freedom from sin.

    For me, the harder I tried to live the idyllic life that I wanted, the worse it got. After a while, it made me feel crazy. Willpower looks good on the outside only. The KJV goes so far as to call in idolatry - worship of willpower. I found the the WT advice on sin to be nothing short of toxic.

    Colossians 2:23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship,

    Romans 11:6 And if by grace , then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace . But if it be of works, then is it no more grace : otherwise work is no more work .

    If the human will was enough to please God, (or ourselves for that matter) what did Jesus die for? Working for salvation is a slap in God's face and only racks up more sin debt that we owe:

    Romans 4:4 Now to him that worketh, is the reward not reckoned of grace , but of debt.

    Welcome to the forum.

  • irondork


    What happened to leaving the other ninety-nine behind and going out to find the lost sheep?

    The outcome will ultimately work in your favor anyway.


  • jgnat

    Great thread. But there's two of them. Further comments please add here:

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