Say what you will, but I like this article.
by DATA-DOG 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Read it. Very good. Thanks for linking it.
Take Care
That is actually pretty good. I think I like these guys. Why can't they be on the bloody Governing Body?
But in true "" style, very insidious also.
Edenone, please elaborate. I am interested in your views.
In various dictionaries, "insidious" is defined along the lines of "w orking or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner; Alluring, intending to entrap."
I find what they write to be very interesting, even outright bright sometimes.
However, the TONE of their writing, while they write things that are blatantly different - even downright opposing - the views and doctrines of the WTS, they keep it so smooth, so buttery, even so ... respectful ... towards the Governing Body, as if they had any illusions that their work would bring the WTS to doctrinal changes. I personally don't think they are that naive. They obviously know enough about the inner workings of the WTS to not be so naive. They write open letters to the Governing Body. Letters that are never, ever responded. And yet they insist ...
The purpose of it all is not to persuade the Governing Body; Their purpose is to attract the Witnesses to THEM while giving the impression that it's OK to follow their doctrine and still remain in good terms with the hard liners of the organizational structure. You'll forgive me the raw comparison, but it's a bit like the pedophile that allures the child with candy. The child may think: "I wish my parents were as cool as this nice gentleman"; Many Witnesses will no doubt think: "I wish our Governing Body was as open-minded and easy-going as these brothers".
I respect these people for their solid bible research and pretty convincing arguments in many areas, and they've been smart enough not to get involved in prophetic interpretations. I enjoy reading most of their doctrinal articles.
However - the devil is in the details - they are sneaky in their promotion of the Book of Urantia, a pseudo-revelation work produced by means of spiritistic channeling, claiming it shouldn't be discarded because it just might have been produced by the Holy Spirit (WTH??) They also clearly have an untold "political agenda" towards the organization, as if they wanted to take control of it from within. To me, they act like Absalom, third son of David, who paciently spent years "stealing the hearts" of the Israelites in hopes to usurp the throne. That's the feeling I get from them. They're trying to generate a movement within the Witnesses. The problem is that they don't call a spade a spade. They say it without saying....
Also I find it very doubtful and unsubstanciated their reports of "mass conversions" of entire communities to their teachings. Something smells fishy about that.
Nevertheless, kudos for them for some of their articles. They're powerful and well reasoned on Bible grounds.
To me, they act like Absalom, third son of David, who paciently spent years "stealing the hearts" of the Israelites in hopes to usurp the throne.
Does that mean that the Governing Body is currently sitting on the modern day throne of David?
I'm not putting them in such position. I only used that example as an example of "stealing hearts" - which is how their modus operandi strikes me.