I have a good friend who is a Muslim, I think all religions are a joke to some degree ... in that they take themselves so serious. However, I have to ask, why in modern history are the acts of terror that shake the world carried out by Muslims so much? I ask this, as there has got to be something in the teaching that needs to be changed. If these young men and women are being raised to think this is a way to act out their faith and I find that concerning.
by free2beme 4 Replies latest jw friends
I agree. "Why" is a good question. Another good question is, "is it the teachings of Islam, or has the religion itself been co-opted by political agendas?"
It isn't the teaching of Islam, rather it is the ever expanding prescene of jihadist extremeists in Muslim societies. Jihad carries several meanings:
-Jihad against the soul: Struggling against the soul to yearn for the Religion, act upon those teachings, and call others to them.
-Jihad against Shaytan: Struggling against Satan without doubts or desires.
-Jihad against the disbelievers, hypocrites and apostates: this is done with the tongue, hand, heart and wealth.
-Jihad against heretics, liars, and evilfolk: This is best done with the hand, if not the hand then the tongue, if that's not possible then the heart.While jihad is rooted in the base of Islam, obviously not every meaning promotes violence, as seen in the first definition. The greater Jihad concerns the internal struggle insie every Muslim to do what is right in the name of Allah. The last two definitions are the one that many of us Westerners see manifest in groups such as Al-Qaeda and form the lesser Jihad, or those who are causing war against Islam.
Jihadist extremeists beleive that western influence is what is changing, and in their eyes ruining, Islam. They beleive that there needs to be a movement back to traditional muslim values rather than globalization. As you mentioned, politics places a large role in their stance. Modern day jihadism focuses on the need for a change in society's ideology, away from the secular values of the wes. They think that rather than letting this change happen naturally, it can more efficiently be brought about through action and a stance of violence. They also think that it is the duty of a Muslim to become a jihadist and fight against these negative influence. If the indvidual does not heed this call, they can justifiably be killed. This is obviously not the view of al Muslims.
Just like in Christianity, radical groups emerge and spew their hate. They believe that they are working to better Islam on the whole and for the good of their country. But the means in which they are doing it ony perpetrates evil. It is not Islam that is neccesarily the root of these atrocities, but those who interpreted it incorrectly. Islam actually states that the killing of innocence is fundamentally wrong, thus terrorist acts are also wrong. The majority of Muslims do not advocate violence in the name of Allah.
When looking at it from this perspective, it is much easier to understand the dilemma had. It is almost impossible to change the ideology of a certain group short of wiping that group out. But these extreme perspectives have already rooted themselves in many communities, and many believers are vulnerable to becoming caught up in these teachings. Hopefully in the end the good will outweigh the evil.
I hope this answers your questions.
You're spot on in your thinking.
I believe the "why" is mainly because the Qu'ran and other holy books contain many confusing and mixed messages, that are subect to interpretation just like the bible. Many of the versus don't attribute the vengance part to god but rather to the follower; this is a big difference from the bible IMHO, and an awful object lesson for any religion to teach.
It's passages like these below (there are hundreds more like it) coupled with zealous types (e.g. Muslim versions of elders and Pioneers) is going to continue to be used as tool to brainwash people, and create terrorists.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah."
Quran (8:57) - "If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember."
Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."
Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."
Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror'
Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
If you believe something that is not based on evidence, it is based on emotion and/or indoctrination.
People around you that dont believe are a threat to your beliefs. If you wipe all opposers of the face of the earth, then your belief must be right!
So whats changed? well IMO...... (deep breath in)
Christianity was doing the same thing when opposers were proving their world view wrong. It realised it could not force the evidence back into the box and gave way to enlightenment and the reformation etc. The war continues, but the battles are not as bloody and they are not dumb enough to question evidence and science in 2013.
Islam has been sheltered from the wealth of science and western culture that contradicts its beliefs for thousands of years and now it is all available on a plate. Freedom of thought, equality for women, science, history, alternate lifestyles.....
Don't misunderstand, if the Watchtower could wipe off everyone from earth that disagreed with them tommorow they would! That is what Armageddon is! They beg and pray for it daily. I am disgusted that I once did also.
There is obviously more involved than attacking an opposing view, there is indoctrination, fear, reward. The Islamic world has 100% been wronged by the West, America and the UK have killed over a million innocent people in the last ten years. It doesnt mae it right, but I imagine it makes it easier when indoctrinating someone to do an equally inhumane act.
The 24 hour news doesnt help. They know such acts will be played out like a 90's film, with rolling 24hr coverage of their actions, making the terrorists globally famous in their televised jihad...Live on FOX news!!!
Muslims feel secluded, watched untrusted, disconnected more than ever. I always throw a "sal'am alai'kum" to a muslim and a smile, they beam ear to ear in response as they wish my peace in return. I think it's an important time for maturity in society, not seclusion.The world is growing up, science, evidence and maturity is taking us to a better place, some people want to throw an anchor down and keep us in the bronze age. History proves how futile such behaviour is. The dark ages put our race back a few hundred years in science and development, but we came out of it. We are inquisitive by nature because it keeps us alive and for as long as we are inquisitive we are a danger to someones beliefs.
Snare x
P.s Ask him what he feels about Qur'an (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."