Don't look up!!

by Captain Blithering 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Wt study today, 21st April, 2013.

    The valley of protection. Jah standing astride both his mountains.

    The missus leans over, points at the little picture and whispers "don't look up"!

    (i wish I could post pictures here, sorry but you'll just have to look for yourself)

    Later on, theres another picture, so I leaned across and pointed at one of the people depicted.. " he looked up"!

    (this is completely meaningless without the pictures. Sorry. Epic fail.)

    Much giggling ensued which culminated in my better half saying we were going straight to a specially created hell!

    And all this the DAY after we'd had the first conversation about my doubts..

  • Crazyguy

    Im glad you can talk to your wife, if i say a word my wife freaks and runs to the elders. I guess im the devil and no one told me, lol

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Sorry to hear that @crazy guy, I've no real experience in all this but to pass on what everyone else says, take it slow and gentle, and be loving regardless..

    Hope it works out for ya man..

  • Bobcat

    Anyone catch the absurd application?

    Verses 2, 3 refers to the city being captured, half being exiled, women raped, houses pillaged.

    This has been taking place since 1914 or so.

    Verse 4 is about Jehovah's feet coming to touch the Mt of Olives causing it to split and a valley to form.

    And what does this refer to? Why it refers to the setting up of the Messianic kingdom in 1914 and the valley is Jehovah's provision of protection for his people, who, oddly enough, are also being raped and pillaged and exiled since 1914.

    I'm still working on grasping that.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    LOL! The pdf is here:

    Page 17 is the skirt. It looks like he should squat and take a dump in the hole.

    Page 21, it looks like the old dude in the straw hat must have looked up. He probably suddenly realized that sky-daddy is about to take a giant dump on them all.

  • Zordino

    Billy.. Thats too Funny... Hahahahahahaa

  • mrsjones5

    I wonder...would there be any reason for underwear?

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