Acronyms aplenty, without asking.
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 9 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
FART: Free Airborne Repellent Toxin
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Sorry, it's been some time since I last posted.
I received this interesting call this morning from a person who is a jw - not a friend, as I have no-one who is a jw who I could ever term a friend. Anyway, the conversation went along these lines -
Me: What are you doing calling me at this time of day? In fact, why are you bothering to call me at all?
Him: Have you seen or heard the news?
Me: I have no time for the news - You may not be aware, but I am up at 3 a.m. for prayers and meditation until midday.
Him: Well, you should take a look. It's making headlines in all the papers, breaking news on TV and radio, and all over the internet. There is something happening that the news reports are saying could change our perception of the universe. Others are saying the Seasons could even be reversed. Apparently, the Vatican has issued a statement, and the UN is meeting to discuss the situation. It's a very important matter for all humanity.
Me: What situation?
Him: AAWA.
Me: Hey, hey, what's that you say? Say it again, you may not know it, but I am deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other.
Him: AAWA!
Me: What the hell would the Alberta Amateur Wrestling Association be doing to cause such a fuss? I thought they had settled their differences with the American Academy of Women Artists, and had agreed to work along with them and Ann Arbor Women Artists in their fight against the Asian American Womens Association to prevent the African American Womens Association from hindering their attempt to join forces with the American Association for Wealthy Actors.
Him: No, it is some organisation who is working against some very popular religious group, who they claim is against all worldy authority, but really, all they believe is that Armageddon's acoming, wait always on jehovah.
Me: Well, you still haven't told me who this AWAA happens to be. Association of Automobile Workers of America? Argentinian Agricultural Workers Alliance?
Him: No, I am not sure what it signifies. All I know is that they have ailing agendas written anonymously, and any questions are answered awkwardly with aggression.
Me: It seems as though it's something that could have been dreamed up by the Australian Amateur Womens Athletics, and amateur seems to be the key phrase. Any how, as and when applicable, I will deal with this, though as we speak I am looking at a website of a group that has as their goal to meet with cult leaders to discuss how they can address some of the cult's controlling influences on their followers. Delusional thinking there on a grandiose scale to be sure.
Him: Seems as though you are not particularly interested.
Me: That's right, it's something I wish I had said many years ago - "I am not interested".
Always A Willing Antagonist.
Was it Rodney Dangerfield that said "Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door and looked at me and then THEY SAID 'Sorry, we aren't interested.'" ?
Well, I was thinking about renewing my subscription to the magazine for the American Alaskan Wilderness Alliance because I became fascinated with the group that calls themselves the Artic Area Walrus Activists.
Ku Ku Ka-ju
wha happened?
too frickin funny
Hi cheeses. Is this your 3rd coming, or fourth? I can't remember.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
I just can't help coming back again and again. The entertainment value is second to none, watching the goings on of the wts as they sruggle to keep their heads above water. And not to mention the 'help' organisations.
The wholly holey holy one.
Very funny.
Any questions are answered awkwardly with aggression.
I appreciate apostates with ability for humor.
zed is dead
Apostate Assholes With Attitude.